Seth Feroce is looking to get in incredible shape without steroids.
Seth Feroce has always been an exceptional bodybuilder. While he hasn’t competed in about 8 years now, Feroce still maintains a great physique. His most recent posts however showcase Seth Feroce looking extremely shredded and incredible all without using steroids. It begs the question, will he make a comeback?
While Seth Feroce hasn’t confirmed a comeback, he certainly has the goods to make another run. A nasty triceps injury put him out of commission, but he is now coming back healthy. With the 212 division wide open right now, Feroce could make a big splash if he made a return.
Feroce also stated that he’s looking to get in top condition without using steroids or gear, but instead just prescribed TRT (testosterone replacement therapy). Here’s what he shared about his progress.
2 and a half weeks into The HWMF Transformation Challenge!
220lbs first thing in the AM.
Bringing Sexy Shredded Back!
Cardio – 6 days a week
Intense Weight Training – ⅘ days a week
Well Balanced Diet – Clean Meats, Fruits, Veggies, Complex Carbs (utilized around my workouts) Healthy Fats, (Red Meat 2x a Week)
Overall Health is my top priority.
I have always put my appearance over my health in the past. (Sounds dumb but it is true)
So this Challenge it is about pushing myself without the Gear use.
Only Prescribed TRT.
Personal Health Goals:
– Repeated Great Blood Work – no red flags.
– Resting HR under 60bpm
– BP 120/70 – No More all over the place.
– Weight under 210LBS.My Ultimate Goal is to be an absolute fuckin animal in every aspect of my life.
More so than I ever have been.
I want more out of myself and Life!I am using this Challenge as the catalyst.
I hope all of you are pushing yourselves to do something intense as well!!
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His recent post showcases even more of his impressive physique.
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What do you think of Seth Feroce and his current physique?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.