Generation Iron 45 Year Old Bodybuilder 1% bodyfat

Who needs bodyfat anyway?

Everyone has their own opinion on what the perfect body looks like. Many believe that massively muscled physiques are the best kind of physiques out there. One with a massive frame reminds individuals of comic book characters like The Incredible Hulk or Juggernaut. It’s a symbol of power, of strength and physical dominance. Others believe that a lean frame is the absolute best kind of physique. A lean physique can excel in sports like swimming or striking sports like boxing, kickboxing, or MMA. There are so many differing opinions on the subject that there really isn’t any wrong answer to the question.

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Despite that, many believe that the ultimate body has to do with a combination of factors. Not only should you have some well built and defined musculature, but you should also have the leanness to show off all that muscle. That means having a lower body fat percentage than the average Joe. With increased muscle tone and thickness coupled with lower body fat, then you should no doubt look like a sculpture, mean, lean and shredded.

This kind of physique is what Helmut Strebl possesses. The fitness model is well built and shredded, touting that he possesses one percent of body fat. While many may think that’s impressive, you have to wonder if it’s taking things a step too far. Judge for yourself with the video below.

It’s all well and good to have a lower body fat percentage. After all you’ll be able to show off all the hard work you’ve put into the gym by revealing all your muscle. That being said, it could be a terrible decision when considering the health risks. The human body isn’t meant to have such a low body fat percentage and though it’s worked out for Strebl so far it doesn’t mean it’s something that another bodybuilder should replicate. Everyone is different on a genetic level and what could be beneficial to one person could be extremely harmful to another.

What’s your ideal body fat percentage?

Let us know in the comments and follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter. Also, be sure to share, like, and comment to show your support.

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