Featured in photo: Canadian Amateur Bodybuilder Paul Martin. Follow him on Instagram & YouTube!
Say Selfie…
The smartphone. The gift and the curse of our generation. We have the world at our fingertips but with all that information comes great responsibility. Social media is big part of modern society and all though there’s nothing wrong with taking a selfie or two at a certain point it can become distracting, especially when it comes to fitness. Here are 3 ways your social media apps maybe detracting from your gainzzzz.
Checking In
While it’s hard to imagine how pinging in at your local workout spot could possibly be hurting your physique, it’s more of a matter of precedent. Checking in reinforces that a workout only exists if the whole world sees you doing it. On top of that, if you don’t get the response you want (i.e. followers, positive comments, repost, etc.) it could discourage you from wanting to workout. Do it for you, not for the likes.
The thing about social media is that anyone can do it. There’s no prerequisite, no vetting process, just twitter fingers and an internet connection. Because of this lack of qualifying there’s a lot of bogus broscience out there that could lead you astray. There’s nothing wrong with following fit individuals just make sure they have some sort reputable background in the fitness industry or at least their advice makes common sense.
Developing Unrealistic Expectations
It’s easy to get hypnotized by the swarm of abs and booty pics of “instagurls” and feel a little less than adequate. In reality many of these models are taking a myriad of supps and drugs that may actually be harming their bodies. Many of these insta models have eating disorders and aren’t living the perfect life you see in pictures. Make realistic goals for yourself and realize your body is your own. Take baby steps to your ultimate body and let success be defined your personal satisfaction.
These are 3 reasons why social media could be putting a negative spin on your workout. Monitor your fitness goals and develop a mindset that the gym is for lifting not for snapchat. Try saving the pictures and posts until after the workout.