Ray Williams is setting records.
It’s the king of all exercises. It’s the king of all lifts. The squat is the considered to be one of the most taxing lifting exercises to perform, which means extra points for anyone who pulls it off with perfect form. In the powerlifting community, the squat is just one of the major lifts performed in competition. Once you go above the 700 lbs club then you’re definitely in some rare territory. But that’s the point of the whole damn exercise in the first place; to be above average, to move out of the realm of normality and achieve something unheard of.
Ray Williams is a powerlifter with the potential to go down as one of the greatest lifters to compete in the sport. When he first started his professional career, Williams had stated that he wished to squat over 1000 lbs. To many it probably sounded more like a pipe dream than an actual declaration. No one in their right mind would think they could lift that much weight. Well it looks like Williams is hoping to prove the doubters wrong.
This past weekend the powerlifter not only made the doubters eat their words, but also went a long way to making his dream of lifting 1000 lbs a reality. No he didn’t squat the 1000, but he came damn close breaking records in the process. Watch as the powerlifter squats 938 pounds!!
He’s just 62 pounds away from breaking into the 1000 pound stratosphere. This likely just the first world record that Williams will break and in the coming years we’re thinking that he’s likely to set some pretty impressive numbers that will be hard to beat.
How much can you squat? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.