A tribute to a great man and great bodybuilder.

STORYTIME WITH GREGG VALENTINO: SEASON 3 – Gregg is back with a weekly series showcasing the most insane bodybuilding stories ever told. This just might be his most insane, disgusting, and shocking stories ever told. Hold on tight. Storytime With Gregg airs every Friday.

Mike Matarazzo was a bodybuilder well known and held to high regard. Known for his amazing calves – the pro bodybuilder sadly passed away in 2014. Gregg Valentino was someone who had the pleasure of known Mike during his prime and, of course, has some good and memorable stories to tell. True to Gregg Valentino tradition – this story contains farts and some hilariously shocking content… but also showcases the fun loving and good nature of the late Mike Matarazzo.

So let’s celebrate the life lived of this great pro bodybuilder by remembering along with Gregg a story that many probably have never heard – an additional new memory to add to the legacy of Mike Matarazzo. Check it out above!

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