Cherry Pie, semen, and a peep show riot.
STORYTIME WITH GREGG VALENTINO: SEASON 3– Gregg is back with a weekly series showcasing the most insane bodybuilding stories ever told. This just might be his most insane, disgusting, and shocking stories ever told. Hold on tight. Storytime With Gregg airs every Friday.
The only thing that might be more entertaining than Gregg Valentino are the friends he hangs out with. These often lead to his most insane stories – and this one might make the top of the list. Only known as Frank for the sake of his story – Gregg not only manages to burn his friend’s eyeball… but later Frank & Gregg end up starting a full on brawl in the middle of a peep show. A riot, a peepshow, cherry pie… these are all words you would definitely expect in a Gregg Valentino story. But for all of them to be in the same sentence? The same moment? That’s new level Gregg. The details are the best part so we’ll let Gregg tell the rest of the story for himself. Check it out above!