Strength Wars Movie

Boron has been advertised as a testosterone booster for young men… but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

STRAIGHT FACTS WITH JERRY BRAINUM – is an in depth exploration of the more complicated elements behind bodybuilding training, nutrition, and supplements. Hosted by legendary and longtime industry expert, Jerry Brainum, Straight Facts answers user questions so no one is left in the dark.

In the constant search for new ways to pack on more muscle and mass – bodybuilders and lifters will look towards anything that can give them an edge. That’s where supplement companies come in and try to take advantage of how passionately athletes are looking for a new way to get huge.

Boron has been advertised as a mineral that can help boost your testosterone – but after checking the actual studies and facts… Jerry Brainum isn’t convinced. While Boron has some great benefits to any athletes – test boosting might not be one of them. Get the full details in our episode of Straight Facts above!

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