Dr. Mike Israetel continues to share the best ways to better yourself in the New Year! Dr. Mike Israetel knows a thing or two about building quality
Mike Israetel
Dr. Mike Israetel Breaks Down Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Golden Era Workout
Exercise scientist Mike Israetel gave critiques to Arnold's workouts during his career. Dr. Mike Israetel knows a thing or two about building quality
Dr. Mike Israetel Analyzes Joe Rogan, His Training, and PED Use
Exercise scientist Dr. Mike Israetel takes Joe Rogan to task. A well-respected voice in the fitness and bodybuilding space, Dr. Mike Israetel knows a thing or
Mike Israetel Critiques Mark Wahlberg’s Training Routine
Mike Israetel is not impressed by this Mark Wahlberg training program. Doctor Mike Israetel recently critiqued the workout of actor Mark Wahlberg. An exercise