Are bodybuilding pros and influencers losing their credibility by cashing in on too many sponsorships?

In our latest GI Exclusive interview clip, Tavi Castro talks with Generation Iron about the importance of credibility in bodybuilders and influencers when they sponsor a brand. Are too many athletes selling out and losing audience trust?

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How to earn cash in bodybuilding is changing at an increasingly rapid rate due to the extreme boom of social media and the decline of print media. Today, a bodybuilding pro or influencer is largely valued by the strength of their social media presence. It’s valued by how many followers they can reach and how engaging they make their content. But this kind of immediate access has also led to an oversaturation of supplement companies – and bodybuilders constantly switching between different brands.

At what point does this oversaturation lead to a lack of trust in the audience and consumer. If an influencer or bodybuilder keeps switching what kinds of supplements or brand they like to consume… at what point does it come across hollow? How does this effect their personal brand and their career in the long term?

Tavi Castro understands this side of the bodybuilding industry more than most as he bridges the gap as a bodybuilder, influencer, and company brand. When bodybuilders switch sponsored brands too frequently, they start to lose their selling power. This means less valued sponsorships over the long term.

Fandom can be a very powerful tool in our current internet era – but as we’ve seen across many different fields, fan opinion can change instantly and without remorse. In a world where your following is a giant indicator of your worth, are bodybuilders starting to “sell out” and bring damage to longevity in their careers? Tavi Castro shares his take. You can check it out in the GI Exclusive interview above.

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