Terrence Ruffin is looking impressive less than three weeks out from the Olympia.
Looking to make a big splash at the 2022 Olympia, Terrence Ruffin is looking ripped and ready to go less than three weeks out. The runner up for the Classic Physique Olympia title looks more than ready to challenge reigning champion Chris Bumstead.
Being second place is a double edge sword. In one respect it showcases that you have the immense ability to potentially become number one. But you can easily look at it from another angle. It can be a stark reminder that you came so close to having the top spot, yet you fell just short it’s a very interesting and an enviable position to find yourself in there have been many top bodybuilders, who have been absolutely incredible when stepping on stage yet they were just shy of defeating, their slightly more talented rival. If you don’t have a healthy ego, you could easily see how an athlete could let that go to their head.
Terrence Ruffin isn’t that sort of competitor.
From taking ninth place at the 2018 Olympia to shooting all the way up to second place at the 2020 and 2021 shows, Terrence Ruffin has come a long way. He has come within striking distance of earning the title of world’s greatest Classic Physique competitor. Unfortunately for him, Chris Bumstead has been looking nigh unbeatable in the last few years. But that hasn’t deterred Ruffin whatsoever. Instead, it has given him the kind of motivation needed to potentially knock Bumstead off of the top spot.
High Level Physique
If his recent physique updates are any indication, Terrence Ruffin is more motivated than ever, and is looking impressive less than three weeks out from the big show. While he has always had an impressive, Ruffin is hoping to utilize his incredible posing abilities to potentially met him a 2022 Olympia Classic Physique title.
Greatness isn’t a single act..
It’s the repetitive, at times boring acts we do day in and day out…
It’s the work we do in the shadows that allow us to shine in the end…
Therefore Greatness isnt a single act…it’s a lifestyle.
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Terrence Ruffin is also maintaining his strength rather nicely ahead of the Olympia.
Weights have finally stopped progressing at about 3/4 weeks out. Now the goal is to maintain the loads to the best of our ability over the next couple weeks leading into the show.
However, we still need to manage fatigue and so instead of lowering the weights we lower our volume.
Our bodies have adapted to the weights being used meaning we’ve added new muscle to move the weights being used.
So if we remove/lower that stressor the body says well we don’t need that adaptation anymore.
In my experience dramatic decrease in the weights we use in the later stage of prep is the main reason we start lose muscle.
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Terrence Ruffin has what it takes to become Classic Physique Olympia champion. But he still has a massive hurdle to surmount in the form of Chris Bumstead.
What do you think of Terrence Ruffin and his physique heading into the 2022 Olympia?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.