4. Relying solely on the big 3

Generation Iron Deadlifts

In both powerlifting and bodybuilding, the big 3 exercises (squats, bench press, and deadlifts) are the considered to be the holy trinity. For most powerlifters these three exercises are what they use to build up their strength levels. As a bodybuilder, relying on these alone will do great for your strength but not exactly for sculpting your form. Want well defined biceps? Then you’re going to have to do some curls. Want some impressive calves? Then calf raises are going to have to be thrown in at some point. Relying too much on the squat, bench, and deadlift – as great as they all are – won’t be enough to shred your body into the way you want.

So what’s your opinion on powerlifting training crossing over with bodybuilding? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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