PNBA Tiffany Stosich’s Bodybuilding Transformation After Birthing Second Child

Tiffany Stosich 4 year transformation after bearing second child
Image via Instagram @fit_with_tiff_stosich

PNBA natural bodybuilder Tiffany Stosich shares her 4-year natural bodybuilding transformation after birthing her second child. 

Mothers who love fitness know the challenge of being in shape after bearing children. Unfortunately, getting and staying in shape is harder to accomplish after childbirth. However, with the right approach, you can still get into fantastic shape to become a mother. Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) athlete Tiffany Stosich is a testimony to this. She proves that you can be in good shape after conceiving children and that you can build one of the best women’s natural physiques on the planet. 

Tiffany Stosich made a lot of progress with her physique over the past four years and has accomplished outstanding feats, including winning the 2020 Natural Olympia in the Women’s Pro Physique division. On June 7, 2022, she went to Instagram (IG) to encourage others about what you can accomplish with your bodies with hard work and dedication. Stosich commented:

“Don’t give up on you! More people want to take the easy route out and give up on their goals. People think I was born this way, which is far from the truth. I worked for it like everyone has to work for it. It’s doesn’t come naturally for me to be lean and have muscles. I PUT IN THE WORK!

This is a 4 year transformation after having my second baby. I dedicated 4 straight years to accomplish this. I may be amazing at patience and consistency but genetics isn’t my gift. I. HAVE. NO. QUIT! How bad do you want it?”

You can see her complete four-year transformation after having her second baby below. 

You can see Tiffany Stosich’s list of 4 diet mistakes people make that prevent them from losing weight here

Fitness After Bearing Children

Although being in shape as a mother presents challenges before bearing children didn’t, as you can see, getting into shape and even excellent condition is still possible. The process may take a bit longer, but patience, consistency, and execution of a well-structured plan will get the job done–Tiffany Stosich was able to build a fantastic physique, but it took years. 

Exercise after pregnancy should start slow, then slowly increase in intensity–walking is a great place to start. Experts agree it’s safe to begin an exercise routine a few days after giving birth. To get results like Stosich, we recommend weightlifting combined with a proper nutrition strategy

INBA PNBA Bikini Mamas

The International Natural Bodybuilding Association (INBA)/PNBA league has multiple categories for all levels of fitness and bodybuilding. One of those categories is specifically for mothers, Bikini Mamas. 

This class is for women who have given birth within the last three years, and it makes up three divisions that separate competitors depending on when their child was born:

  • Division 1: within one year of giving birth 
  • Division 2: within two years of giving birth
  • Division 3: within three years of giving birth 

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Terry Ramos
As a personal trainer and writer, Terry loves changing lives through coaching and the written word. Terry has a B.S. in Kinesiology and is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and ISSA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He enjoys playing music, reading, and watching films when he's not writing or training.