Keep The Fire Burning! Tips For The Ultimate Motivation

Keep pushing that weight.

Let’s face it, there are times when we head into the gym and your focus is on anything but the lifting you’re about to perform. It’s a dangerous mindset to be in when you’re going to train hard. Some may not entirely agree with that assessment but the reality is that we’re not always going to perform to our best, especially if we’re not adopting a mindset that’s conducive to lifting. But sometimes you need a little added help in order to push through a workout. It’s not pre-workout or some magical supplement, but a mantras one should keep in mind in order to make every workout the best one.

Strength Wars Movie

No Ego

There are some individuals that lift that are more worried about how much weight they can lift rather than making their muscle grow. If you’re a bodybuilder it makes no sense to worry about stroking your ego. Numbers matter, but in the long wrong it’s about stimulating muscle growth, not about how much you can lift. If you’re unsuccessful on a lift it doesn’t mean you’re weak or that your strength isn’t progressing. It’s not about your ego. It’s about the muscle you’re trying to grow and the physique you’re hoping to obtain.

Strive For Perfection, Settle For Progression

Feeding off of that last sentiment, if your physique isn’t exactly how you hope it would be after a certain amount of time training you shouldn’t be discouraged. Rather than constantly being concerned about the end result sometimes it’s best to look in the mirror and appreciate the change that’s occurred from consistent training. Missing the forest to see the trees can be a bodybuilder’s biggest problem. When you think about how far you’ve come, the road to reaching your ideal physique will always feel attainable.

Keep Things Interesting

Sometimes you get to the gym working your usual training split and may feel uninspired. The same movements over and over may be helpful to an extent, but eventually two things will happen. Firstly you’ll get bored, which is bound to happen at times. But secondly, and more importantly, you may hit a plateau. To avoid that from happening you should always have some exercises in mind to avoid stagnation, both mentally and physically. Besides keeping things fresh and making it feel like you’re tackling new challenges, it will promote constant progression and growth.

What bodybuilding tips do you always keep in mind during training?

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