Hanging Around Naked in the Locker Room for Too Long

Sometimes people just overstay their welcome. It’s worse when someone overstays in a locker room. It’s even WORSE when that person overstays in a locker room naked.

Look, we’re all adults here and understand that we can get changed in the bathroom without laughing or guffaws. But this isn’t a nudist colony. There’s no reason to walk around naked, start conversations, and bend over too many times in your birthday suit.

Keep it reasonable so that everyone else can enjoy the locker room – or at least get themselves cleaned up and dressed without feeling uncomfortable.

Hovering Over Someone Using a Machine

Picture this: you’re in the middle of a really extreme workout. You’re in the zone and pumping those muscles just perfectly. You’re feeling good – and then you notice him. The hoverer. Just standing over you and way too close. He’s staring you down and shifting back and forth waiting to get on that machine.

Hovering is the worst – especially if you haven’t been hogging the machine. Sometimes the gym is just busy and people will have to wait – but that doesn’t mean they should hover right over you and destroy your pumping groove just so they can get the next grab at the machine.

Be kind. Don’t hover.

Taking Your Shirt Off in the Gym

This one is simple but for some reason no one gets the point. So we’ll just say it real quick: DON’T TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF AT THE GYM. You’ll get even more sweat all over the machines (these are normally the same people who don’t wipe them down) and you just look like an asshole.

Unless it says otherwise, keep your shirt on.


That about does it for the top seven most annoying people you’d find in the gym. Now you’re probably all pissed off just thinking about it. That’s okay, just let off all that steam with a workout. Hopefully you won’t see any of these kinds of people there.

What annoys you most at the gym? Is there anyone we missed? Let us know in the comments section below or through our official Facebook and Twitter pages. Stay pumped.


Cover photo courtesy of Macro Bodybuilding.

GI Team
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