Generation Iron The Nightmare Bodybuilder

The nightmare becomes a reality.

Everyone has a journey that has led them down the road of building muscle. Whether you were stick skinny and looking to pack on muscle or it you were overweight and looking to burn fat and look more aesthetic, everyone has a motivating factor that has made them want to make a change in their life. Coming to that realization is the first step on the journey and it doesn’t end there. If you’re planning to see continued improvement then you have to stick with it and push yourself continuously in order to see the results you desire.

Martyn Ford was a skinny professional cricket hopeful whose dreams of making the sport he loved into a career were dashed with an unforeseen injury. After his dreams crumbled, Ford turned towards running as his training method but after losing a tremendous amount of weight and dropping to unhealthy four percent body fat realized that he needed to educate himself and find a new way to train. That was the beginning of the journey that would lead to him becoming the 325 lbs behemoth, nicknamed ‘The Nightmare’, that he is today.


“I never really had a goal as such, I just wanted to be bigger. 12 years on I seem to be that for sure, but there’s still more to achieve with my physique. The initial transformation I would say took two to three years. You were definitely looking at two different people then for sure.”

Generation Iron The Nightmare bodybuilding transformation

He not only made some major gains in his physique, but was also able to take his body transformation and utilize it in his favor, turning it into a promising acting career.

“Acting came about by chance to be fair. It was something I had always had in the back of my mind. People always said ‘you should be in films’ etc but that’s as far as it went. Then one day, a friend of mine – a great actor who has been in Hollywood films himself – suggested I went for the role of the bad guy in the latest James Bond film. His agent sorted out the casting, and before you know it I was sat in a huge, posh lounge in London waiting to audition. Unfortunately I never got that role but it kickstarted my acting career to date. I signed up to a great agent in London, got myself into acting school and before you know it I’d managed to secure my first job. It was a pilot which was filmed in South Africa for an American TV channel. Ray Winston was the lead man and it was an incredible experience.”

Ford’s story is inspirational and shows how bodybuilding can truly have a positive effect on a person’s life. Ford is looking to use his experience to provide inspiration to other youths that may be in the position that he once found himself. So what’s the advice that he would give to newbies looking to make gains?

“The best advice I could give to young lads is to research! There are so many kids who jump into training and just presume by moving weights and working hard that results will automatically come. Knowledge is an amazing tool, and with so much out there don’t be a fool. Give yourself every opportunity to be a success and also be safe.”

Generation Iron The Nightmare Choke

Have you experienced a body transformation like Martyn ‘The Nightmare’ Ford? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Source: The Lad Bible

GI Team
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