Generation Iron Jack3d lawsuit

Another one bites the dust.

For a bodybuilder nutrition is absolutely paramount to making consistent and considerable gains. Training isn’t enough to get a physique like a bodybuilding pro, it requires fueling your body with the right foods and nutrients in order to see the desired results. Making the right food choices are indeed paramount, but sometimes even that isn’t really feasible. Sometimes you can’t get all the micronutrients your body requires from food alone. In those cases, supplements are a major factor in getting what you need.

There are many different supplements on the market that have different uses. There are pre-workout shakes, post workout, and creatine, just to name a few. All of them have benefits and drawbacks depending on how they’re utilized. A protein shake is great for helping a bodybuilder get that extra amount of protein, while a pre-workout supplement will give a lifter the right amount of energy to make it through a tough training session. In this, athletes are held at the whim of supplement companies, hoping that the ingredients in these products are on the level and are providing the nutrients they need.


Well, not all supplement companies are on the level and it seems that yet another industry leader of supplement manufacturing have pulled the wool over the eyes of their loyal consumers. This time it seems the guilty party, USPlabs, has been duping their customers with their workout supplements Jack3d and OxyElite Pro. The supplement company is now facing an indictment which claims that several of their popular products have been infused with synthetic stimulants made in China rather than the all natural plant based ingredients that were advertised.

According to the indictment, USPlabs made over 400 million dollars between 2008-2013. That’s a hefty sum for a company pushing false advertisement. Users of OxyElite Pro in fact needed liver transplants as a result of the damaging effects from the synthetically made products. It’s a reminder that athletes must research the products that they’re putting into their bodies before ingesting them. They can end up doing more harm than good.

This is all a part of the ever increasing crackdown the government has been pressing against supplement companies – particularly after a new law was passed about a year ago that added over 20 substances to be banned in America. USPlabs is just the latest in a string of companies that are being effected by the law.

How many supplements do you take and are your products being affected by this crack down? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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