Strength Wars Movie

This is what Stallone would look like if he was a full fledged bodybuilder.

UPDATE: We’ve been told that this bodybuilder’s name is Marco Viviani. He is from Quebec, Canada and he will be competing at the CBBF nationals this summer to get his pro card. Original story follows below.

Sylvester Stallone often gets a lot of cred for being one of the muscle action stars of the 80’s. Even today he has maintained a shredded and somewhat jacked physique for his most recent action films like Expendables 3. But a mass monster this man is not.

That’s where this video comes in. We are not sure who this is – but he is the spitting image of Sylvester Stallone with one big difference – he is a complete mass monster. Imagine a world where Sylvester Stallone was a jacked as Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the 80’s. Now watch the video above – look familiar?

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