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The Classic Physique division is growing and bringing in some truly genetically gifted athletes.

It’s still early, but the Classic Physique division has been blowing up like gangbusters since its inception – bringing in more and more competitors each year. Not only that, but the competitors joining the fray prove to have some truly inspiring genetic potential. It’s almost as if these genetic freaks are growing out of the ground out of nowhere.

Of course, this might all just be part of an elongated honeymoon phase for the division. Perhaps things will slow down and even out in the next three or four years before becoming just another division alongside all the others. But for now, we are benefiting from the excitement of new athletes, better clashes on stage, and a growing division that keeps fans engaged.

Fazi Fitness has put together a compilation video showcasing all of the new genetic freaks that are prepping for competitions in the second half of 2019. Let’s hope that this division continues to grow and stay exciting long after the “newness” of the division wears off. Check out the video above!

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