Everyone has doubts in their head – don’t listen to them.

In some ways, bodybuilding diets are far more harder to stay dedicated to than the rigorous training regimens you see in most bodybuilding and motivational videos. Yes of course, lifting heavy weights is not easy. It pushes you to your limit and beyond. It’s exhausting. But maintaining a healthy bodybuilding diet goes beyond those few hours in the gym. It permeates your entire life. It’s not just powering through for a small chunk of the day… it’s changing the very core of how you eat and your relationship to food. With so much delicious food out there – it’s easy to start feeling weak. It’s easy to suddenly want one extra cheat meal. But when you hear that voice in your head that basically tells you to quit, even if it’s only for one meal, don’t listen to it.

This video by Makaveli Motivation is different than your traditional motivational bodybuilding videos because it’s not showcasing intense shots of bodybuilders training. Instead it shows food. And it features the wise words of what to do when you feel weak and want to cheat. If you feel like quitting – take the advice spoken in this video. Take it to heart. DON’T QUIT! You will look back 12 months from now and realize you are a better and stronger person because of it. Check out the video above!

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