Filthy motivation. Filthy gains.

At this point it’s old news to talk about how Calum Von Moger has exploded onto the scene. Originally known as Arnold 2.0 – the mass monster with a more Golden Era classic physique has become a titan in social media and is on his way to competing in IFBB pro events. Perhaps soon he will be a nonstop champ in the Classic Physique division… but only time will tell.

Regardless of his future – the present looks pretty bright for Calum and this video by Varyjer Motivation provides enough motivation to make you filthy stinking rich with gains in the gym. Feel the hunger. Feel the power. Feel the muscle pumping as if it will rip out of your skin! That’s the kind of energy this video has – the kind of energy Calum has in the gym. Check it out above!

And if you like what you see make sure to subscribe to Varyjer Motivation’s official YouTube channel right here!