The Predator of Legs.
Why is Kai Greene given so much respect? Is it his posing routine? Is it his impressive physique? Is it because of his underdog role opposite Phil Heath? Is it his inspirational and intellectual soliloquizes? There’s an argument for each one of those points. Kai is the subject of conversation these days because of his showing at last years Olympia. After years of going head to head against Phil Heath, Kai appeared as if he’d finally cultivated a physique that would not only put Phil on the ropes, but knock him down for the count. Sadly for Greene, victory was still out of grasp.
Arguments have been made supporting Kai as the true winner of the 2014 Mr. Olympia. It’s a subjective point of view for sure, but not without credibility. Kai was not only looking massive at last years competition, but was also shredded, showing off the kind of symmetry and definition that has made Heath a champion.
Many people have already given up hope of Kai ever winning an Olympia competition. They claim that if he couldn’t beat Phil last year then there’s no way he’ll be able to accomplish the feat this year. As the body ages it becomes harder and harder to pack on more lean muscle and the body will naturally begin to breakdown and decline. But the one person who absolutely believes Kai Greene will be victorious at this years Mr. Olympia is Kai Greene himself.
We asked before – why do so many people respect Kai? Besides what was mentioned before, it’s his iron resolve and will to win that makes him such a compelling adversary to Phil. It’s his unshakable will and belief in himself that has inspired so many others to keep chasing their goals no matter the obstacles.
For anyone paying attention, Kai hasn’t lost hope in his dream of becoming the Olympia champion and if his training is any indication, The Predator is still looking to hunt down the Sandow trophy in 2015 and become the Olympia King. If words aren’t enough to make you believe that then take a look at this training video that shows Kai thrashing legs in the gym.
What do you think of Kai Greene’s leg day? Do you think he can win Mr. Olympia? Let us known in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.