Who will win?
Ever since the birth of bodybuilding and weightlifting as competitive sports the question has always lingered on many people’s minds: who is the stronger athlete? Conventional wisdom would say that the answer is pretty straight forward. A weightlifter or powerlifter is obviously accustomed to not only pushing heavy weight, but focusing their training to see superior strength gains. But the argument for bodybuilders being just as strong. This is evidenced with the all time great former Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman. The man was known as being a genetic freak with massive size as well as considerable strength.
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If there was a competition between athletes from both walks of life, the event solely based around strength, then the money would no doubt be on the powerlifter who specializes in such events. The funny thing is that a bodybuilder could possibly rise to the equation due to one major X-Factor: mind power. The mentality of a bodybuilder is to seek perfection in their physiques through being diligent, sacrificing, and pushing themselves to the limit in order to experience hypertrophy in order to promote muscle growth. That same mentality that pushes them to build muscle and definition could easily be translated over to making strength gains as well.
There’s a reason why we say powerlifting is definitely the best place to start for a bodybuilder. Not only will it ensure building functional strength for bigger lifts, but it also means that they can potentially have the best of both worlds.
BodybuildingRev is a YouTube channel that sees participants, mostly powerlifters and bodybuilders, compete in strength based competition to see who the superior strength athlete is. Take a look at this Deadlift Deathmatch that pits powerlifter against bodybuilder in an epic showdown.
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