WATCH: Mike Rashid Is Pushed To The Breaking Point In This Hellish Circuit

Strength Wars Movie

This circuit training was meant to break the weak.

When it comes to bodybuilding training it’s all about concentrating on one muscle at a time in hopes of building that particular muscle group. When it comes to powerlifting and other strength based endeavors, utilizing compound movements are essential to building up explosive power. Meeting in the middle is perhaps the best recipe for success. A powerbuilder not only looks powerful, but can perform with a tremendous amount of strength as well. It’s the principle that fitness personality Mike Rashid lives by.

It’s great to look impressive, but Mike Rashid likes to take things a step further. Just like Bradley Martyn who enjoys testing himself with new and difficult lifts, Mike Rashid is always up for a challenge. There’s only so many times that you can do the same exercises before you eventually grow bored, or even worse, hit a plateau. In order to keep from experiencing either of these dreaded outcomes, Rashid adds some variety to his training from time to time. That includes heading to CT Fletcher’s hardcore Iron Addicts Gym.

Recently one of those moments of adding variety to his training arose. Rather than doing a typical split based training, Rashid opted to perform some circuit training that would push him to the max. Circuit training is designed to push you to your limits, but it’s obvious that the training CT Fletcher put Mike Rashid through was meant to break the weak and embolden the strong. Check out the below video to see what Mike Rashid has labeled the hardest training session that he’s ever completed.

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Would you complete this kind of circuit training or would rather stick to your usual training split?

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