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Phil Heath gives update and roadmap for his return to form.

Phil Heath had a rough end of 2018 that continued into the early days of 2019. Having lost the Mr. Olympia for the first time in seven years only to be followed by another hernia surgery – Phil Heath now finds himself behind and trying to catch back up to the competition. But his recent video posts on social media these past few weeks show a man who is inspired to return to form and looks to be making progress.

His latest video update, compiled here by Fazi Fitness including a few other pro updates, showcases his road to bulking up back to his usual weight. He claims that by the end of the month he will be back at 280 lbs – showing that the former champ is on the road to returning back to form. Though we still have no official confirmation on whether or not this is all a plan to compete at this year’s Mr. Olympia… or if he is taking this year off to further perfect his physique.

Check out the video update above and make sure to subscribe to Fazi Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here for more video updates!