Generation Iron Guest Posing

Pittsburgh’s finest guest posing moment yet?

For fans of bodybuilding the biggest event of the year is undoubtedly the Mr. Olympia competition that takes place every September. The event showcases the best the IFBB has to offer and crowns a champion that proves to be the best of the best. For five years running that champion has been Phil Heath, a man with otherworldly genetics that has toppled the opposition time and again. But Heath isn’t the only impressive bodybuilder to grace the Olympia. You have competitors like Kai Greene who is always sure to put on an impressive posing routine. You have the former Olympia king Dexter “The Blade” Jackson who seems to be getting better with age. There’s Shawn Rhoden, Branch Warren, Big Ramy, and many other high level bodybuilders that all hit the stage hoping to prove to the world that they are the number one bodybuilder in the world.

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The only time you’re likely to see all those names on stage at the same time is at the Olympia competition. During the year these great athletes will share the stage at a guest posing event from time to time, but for the most part that’s usually one or two big names. It’s highly unusual that you’d find all these competitors at one given event unless some major championship was on the line. At least that would usually be the case.

It seems though that the fans at the IFBB Pittsburgh Championships were in for a real surprise this past weekend as some of the biggest names in bodybuilding took to the stage for some great guest posing. Even new comer Sergio Oliva Jr. was on hand for the event and got some guest posing under his belt, as well as fellow standouts Brian Yersky and Guy Cisternino. Take a look at the video below as some of the greatest competitors in the sport showed their off season progress at the IFBB Pittsburgh Championships.

Who do you think had the best off season physique?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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GI Team
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