An ode to protein.

It sounds crazy but a big part of the hard work that bodybuilders must push through is eating correctly and eating a large amount of food. Nutrition and diet are a massive part of what makes a bodybuilding physique as massive, sculpted, and conditioned as possible. For the average person, eating MORE food seems like an easy task. Most of us struggle to cut down and eat healthy… rather than eat more and bulk up. But if you’ve ever tried to eat thousands upon thousands of calories in one day to put on mass and keep your nutrients in order – you would know the true dedication it takes to meet this task.

That’s why Makaveli Motivation has put together this sort of “ode to protien” – creating a supercut showcasing the mass amounts of food that bodybuilders need to eat and cutting it together with some truly great bodybuilders sharing wisdom on what kind of diet works for champion bodybuilders. Check it out above!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Makaveli Motivation’s official YouTube channel right here.

Strength Wars Movie

GI Team
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