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William Bonac shares his Olympia training update with a special focus on abs.

William Bonac has been one of the most exciting bodybuilders to watch over the past decade. This is mostly because he didn’t just skyrocket and appear out of nowhere. Instead, he has been making steady progress year after year – toning and tweaking his physique each and every time to slowly rise up and become one of the biggest contenders at the Mr. Olympia competition.

Of course, he has not yet won the Sandow trophy – but many fans believe that despite his smaller size he could one day pull off a major victory. One thing standing in his way is his midsection – a notably weak point on his physique. Well, based on this latest training update compiled here by Fazi Fitness – it seems that William Bonac is putting special emphasis on his abs in order to further improve his physique in 2019. Will Bonac continue is slow and steady improvements that we’ve seen year after year? Watch the video above and decide for yourself!

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