A showdown between the masters.
When you think on iconic athletic figures you think of those who have been able to not only dominate in their respective sport, but also transcend the sport and enter into a new stratosphere. Ronda Rousey and Conor McGregor have become more than just mixed martial artists, they’ve become icons who have entered into popular culture and made a name for themselves as exciting as well as polarizing figures. Hardcore fans understand and appreciate their skills, while casual fans follow their exploits on social media and in the public eye. In bodybuilding there’s no doubt that two of the sport’s most iconic figures are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronnie Coleman.
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The two former Olympia champions have a huge following, both camps shouting support of their favorite athletes. Both the Schwarzenegger and Coleman camps will tell you that their respective favorite athlete is the greatest of all time. Schwarzenegger has transcended the sport and has obtained fame through his storied movie career as well as his time as a politician. Coleman may not have had a massive movie career to bolster his resume, but he did beat Arnold’s record of Olympia wins going eight years undefeated at the biggest bodybuilding event there is.
Sadly, Coleman and Schwarzenegger were men from two different eras, men who never had the chance to compete against each other. Many have speculated about who would actually come out on top if the two bodybuilders had competed in their prime. Coleman was known for a freaky size and musculature, while Arnold was known for maintaining his aesthetics despite his massive frame, as well as his respected posing abilities.
The question still remains however, who would have dominated the other if they had the chance to go head to head. Until now. Check out the video below.
Who do you think would win in this ultimate showdown?
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