When Is The Right Time To Switch Up Your Workout?

Strength Wars Movie

Knowing when to change your gains.

Going to the gym and training day-in and day-out can be a tedious exercise. You arrive, you warm up, you get into training mode, then you hit the weights, preferably hard, then you wraps things up with a nice post-workout. The thing is sometimes your workout routine can get a bit boring, which isn’t the worst thing in the world, but it’s when you hit a plateau that things begin to get a bit worrisome.

Every time someone hits a plateau they undoubtedly will ask the million dollar question: should I switch up my training routine? The answer isn’t too surprising. If you’re getting continuous gains and keep seeing vast improvement in your physique, then there’s no real reason to make any changes. But if you do hit that dreaded plateau, then here are some things you should consider switching up.

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Revitalize your training split

Generation Iron Split Training

When you’re deciding to make a change with your routine, first thing’s first. You should consider making changes to your split training. This means changing up the specific days you train certain body parts. Doing full workouts? Then maybe you should switch over to split training in general. If that doesn’t work for you then try doing a bit of mixing and matching with the body parts you choose to work.

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