5 Things You Didn’t Know About Entering A Bodybuilding Competition

#5. Trial Run

These is a reason why experience is so important. It’s because with a certain degree of life experience… you now know what to expect moving forward. Fighters that have been in the ring before know the feel of the tarmac, what the announcer’s going to say, that feeling before they yell “fight.” They’re at home in their place of competition – for bodybuilders it’s no different.

While this may be your first competition, you can still get the upper hand. Go the venue and watch the process, what does the venue smell like? what’s the crowds energy like? Is it quiet and concentrating or is it energetic and fun? If you’re really serious, you should know all these things before competition day.

Generation Iron Bodybuilding Competition


With all that being said, your competition run will not be perfect. Things may still be forgotten and unforseen circumstances will arise. That’s why we’ve left possibly the most important for the bonus round…PATIENCE and POSITIVITY. No matter what happens be patient and know that not all your training sessions will go according to plan and your body won’t always react the way you want it to react. This is not a science, it’s an art. Stay positive and remember the reasons you’ve put in all this hard work. Focus on controlling the things you can and then let the chips fall where they may.

One day all of these small pointers will be muscle memory to you. Normal. Obvious. And maybe a few of these already are – that’s good. That means you are on the right path. Ultimately, first hand experience is the best teacher. So get out there – train, eat, lift, pose.

Have any other first hand pointers you can share with the masses? Let us know in our comments or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter. Stay pumped.

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GI Team
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