Big Ramy is on the up and up.
The secret is out. There’s a pro bodybuilder on the rise set to take the bodybuilding world by storm, a man competing as a pro for only three years. Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay is literaly the next big thing that bodybuilding has to offer. Since exploding on to the scene with his first win at the New York Pro, Big Ramy has been the subject of conversation when it comes to possible successors to the champion Phil Heath. Though still outside the top five rankings, Big Ramy is set to make a big push and could potentially upset the talented veterans at the top. Here are a few reasons why he could take over sooner than anyone expected.
Big Ramy’s immense size is staggering and truly a sight to behold. Already a two time New York Pro winner, Elssbiay’s potential seems to be limitless. He has already risen from 8th place in the 2013 Mr Olympia competition to take 7th in the 2014 event. These are clear signs that not only is Elssbiay a major factor within the top 10 rankings, but that he’s improving with every showing.
Elssbiay’s definition is truly impressive as well. Though the major battle at this years Mr Olympia was between champion Phil Heath and bitter rival Kai Greene, there has been talk from onlookers that Big Ramy should’ve been in the conversation as well. The fact that he outweighs most of the other competitors while still maintaining such a ripped and well proportioned physique should only be a sign of things to come. His size brings to mind past larger than life bodybuilders like Sergio Oliva and Ronnie Coleman. Though he hasn’t reached there status of accolades it’s hard to imagine Big Ramy staying outside of the top five rankings. Once he enters the top five things will no doubt get interesting. His definition rivals that of the top 5 competitors and he still has many years of competitions to look forward to. At thirty years of age the sky’s the limit.
Photo: Dan Ray and Muscular Developement
Currently it’s the off season, a time when many of the competitors bulk and work on any of their problem areas from previous competitions. Elssbiay had few holes in his game in this past years Mr Olympia competition. One can only imagine that if he shores up those holes while adding to his already impressive bulk, maintaining his definition and bettering his conditioning that he’ll be a threat to Dennis Wolf, Shawn Rhoden, Kai Greene, and the champ Phil Heath himself. Only time will tell if the proud Egyptian will fully realize his potential. The safe bet is a resounding yes.
We’re calling it right here, right now. In a few years Big Ramy will be the next Mr. Olympia. In the future, we’ll look back to these days and say, “These were the early moments of his inevitable rise to power. These days were just the beginning.” Phil Heath definitely has a few more years in him – but there is nothing more exciting than the passing of the torch. For now, the Mr. Olympia predictions always end with the worlds Phil and Heath – but in a couple more years (maybe not even that many) the words on everyone’s lips will be BIG and RAMY.
Do you think Big Ramy has what it takes to unseat the champ Phil Heath? Tell us below in the comments or follow us on Facebook and Twitter to sound off.