Gregg Valentino flip flops on who is to blame for the conflict and assault between Mike Van Wyck and Jeff Nippard
In an exclusive interview with Generation Iron, bodybuilding personality Gregg Valentino didn’t mince words on the recent altercation between well-known fitness influencers Jeff Nippard and Big Mike Van Wyck – stating that he believes Jeff Nippard instigated the situation. The gym assault, which has sparked a heated debate in the bodybuilding community, occurred after Nippard posted a video reacting to Van Wyck’s critique of “science-based trainers.”
With their encounter caught on camera and both influencers clashing over training philosophies, fans are divided, with some backing Nippard and others sympathizing with Van Wyck. Here’s Gregg Valentino’s take on the incident.
“Putting Your Hands on Someone? Come On…”
For Gregg Valentino, the real controversy isn’t about training science—it’s about conduct. “Mike should know better than to put his hands on somebody,” Gregg said, expressing clear disapproval of Van Wyck’s decision to get physical. Gregg emphasized how incidents like this make bodybuilders appear hot-headed and impulsive, feeding into stereotypes of “’roid rage” and aggression. “It makes bodybuilders look like idiots,” he added, underscoring the damage such actions do to the image of the sport.
Gregg Valentino’s frustration is partly because Jeff Nippard is a well-known advocate of natural bodybuilding, while Van Wyck’s more imposing physique has fueled speculation about steroid use.
“People are automatically going to assume he’s on something and that he’s raging out on the guy,” Gregg pointed out.
In a world where bodybuilding is frequently under scrutiny, this behavior only fuels the fire of those who view lifters as walking time bombs.
Learning from Legends: The Mike O’Hearn Example
Gregg Valentino didn’t stop at calling out Mike Van Wyck’s actions; he also highlighted how veteran figures in the industry have handled far worse accusations with more grace. “Look at Mike O’Hearn. He’s gotten so much shit for being a ‘fake natty’,” Gregg explained, noting the relentless criticism O’Hearn has faced about his natural status. “But O’Hearn stands by what he says and never lays hands on anyone or loses his cool over it.”
For Gregg Valentino, the lesson is clear: in today’s digital age, where everyone has an opinion, ignoring criticism is often the wisest choice. Gregg suggested that Van Wyck may have allowed those around him to “hype him up” to confront Jeff, adding that he wouldn’t be surprised if friends or fellow trainers whispered in his ear, making him angrier about the video until he finally snapped.
The Curious Case of the Camera and the Hospital Visit
The entire confrontation was recorded, raising questions for Gregg Valentino about how the altercation went down. “It’s kind of suspicious that the camera caught everything,” Gregg noted, questioning the level of authenticity in the filmed altercation. “I’m not saying it’s staged, but the fact that it’s all on camera feels a bit too convenient.”
Adding fuel to the fire, Jeff Nippard later posted an image from a hospital visit, where he reportedly underwent a CT scan after the altercation. Many fans found the gesture excessive, and Gregg agreed, suggesting that the hospital visit was more about optics than necessity.
“Unless your head is cracked open, most people wouldn’t run off to the hospital for something like this,” he said, admitting he could understand why some fans criticized Nippard for what seemed like a dramatic response.
The camera footage and subsequent hospital post left Gregg wondering if Nippard might have anticipated an escalation. Essentially indirectly instigating Mike Van Wyck which caused the altercation. Valentino’s words here seem to imply that perhaps Nippard is somewhat to blame for escalating the situation to violence.
Testosterone, Gym Culture, and Old-School Settling of Scores
At the end of the day, Gregg Valentino also understands that high testosterone can lead to heightened emotions in the gym. “Fights happen. That’s what happens when testosterone is high while men are training,” he remarked, adding that he’s had his own fair share of gym altercations in the past.
However, he believes there’s a better way to resolve conflicts. Instead of letting things escalate to a fight, he suggested that Mike Van Wyck and Jeff Nippard should have worked out together the next day to prove that they’d moved past the incident.
Gregg Valentino recalled an old story where two friends he knew had a physical fight, which eventually landed them both in jail when a judge deemed both parties responsible for escalating the situation. He applied that logic to Nippard and Van Wyck, saying, “Both of them, in some way, contributed to this situation.” For Gregg, both parties bear some responsibility, and he expressed disappointment that it escalated as far as it did.
Physical Confrontation: A Last Resort, Not the First
When asked if people who talk trash online should be prepared for physical confrontations, Gregg pushed back. “You can’t go around attacking people because they said something about you online,” he asserted. In Gregg’s view, confrontation might sometimes be necessary, but it should be handled differently.
“Maybe you go outside and settle it old-school style if both of you agree. But to just attack him out of nowhere? That’s not right.”
Gregg Valentino emphasized that while those who talk negatively online should be ready to stand by their words in person, resorting to violence is the wrong answer. “If you talk shit online, you should be prepared to face someone if they call you out. But it doesn’t need to get physical.” For Gregg, a face-to-face conversation would have been a better route, keeping the discussion heated but civil.
Wrap Up
Ultimately, Gregg Valentino’s message is clear: Mike Van Wyck’s larger physique doesn’t give him a pass to act impulsively. Valentino believes that Mike should have been the bigger man—literally and figuratively. Valentino expressed disappointed that Van Wyck took the bait. In a fitness community where people come to better themselves, he finds it troubling that such an altercation could occur over a difference in training philosophy.
In a world that’s watching, Gregg believes bodybuilders need to set a positive example rather than reinforce stereotypes. As for how this will affect the reputations of both men going forward, that remains to be seen. One thing’s for sure, though: Gregg Valentino isn’t one to hold back his opinion on behavior he feels drags the bodybuilding community down.