Hadi Choopan Shares 2019 Olympia Prep Footage

Okay, yes, it’s a sponsored Instagram post Hadi Choopan made for Evogen Nutrition protein powder.

But there’s still a lot we can take away from this post Hadi Choopan made about preparing for the 2019 Olympia. He shares footage of his workouts and posing routines from the two weeks leading up to the Olympia, and yes, his conditioning must absolutely be seen to be believed:


So how did Hadi train with the best of the best and end up at the top of his sport? Could the answer be that Evogen Nutrition catapulted him to the top – that protein powder made all the difference?

Probably not, but I’m sure they helped. Supplements are only one variable in the equation that is achieving peak physical fitness. Finding the right supplements to complement your workout routine and goals is definitely important, but it’s certainly not everything. Evogen may be a great brand of protein powder for the right athlete. If you are interested in that, Hadi is offering 25% off of their Cyber Monday sale and free shipping on all products with the code “BFCM25.”

But, enough of talking about the supplements. Let’s look at Hadi’s conditioning leading up to the Olympia this year. It can be a delicate balance to time your peak physical condition to coincide with a specific event. Many athletes who don’t properly follow the rules of bulking/cutting end up hitting their peak a week or so before the competition. The real struggle of having to make it to the Olympia stage is that, while rigorous exercise can build you up and make you huge, it can also wear you down. It’s less about getting as massive as possible and more about knowing your body and being able to strike the perfect equilibrium.

Hadi looks great here, these videos are a great reminder of what a promising Olympia debut he had. This is someone who could easily nab a number one spot in the next few years if he sets his mind to it. You have to admire how much effort he puts in during his sets, in particular, his chest seems extremely well-defined and huge compared to when we saw him compete last in the 2019 Vancouver Pro.

In a few years, with the right training, Hadi Choopan would make a great Mr. Olympia. However, it remains to be seen if he can get there, and I mean that literally, not metaphorically. The IFBB pro had a US Visa scare leading up to this year’s Olympia and for a minute there it looked like he was not going to compete. Hadi Choopan had no trouble securing a Visa to compete in Canada and his inability to get a US visa was allegedly linked to Trump’s travel ban since he is from Iran. But Hadi was eventually able to secure a Visa and went on to win third at this year’s competition. So, he is definitely a contender to watch, so long as he’s being allowed to compete!

*All images courtesy of Instagram.

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