Take your Bench Press and Lifts Seriously With the Iron Bull Strength Elbow Wraps

iron bull strength elbow wraps

Use Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps to take those lifts to a new level

Your elbows are a key joint in the body, as you utilize them for just about everything. You especially put stress on the elbows when you complete pushing movements such as the bench press and overhead press. That being said, people use things like elbow sleeves and wraps to protect themselves from injury and aid these lifts. Elbow wraps provide a little bit more assistance and protection, as you can get them a bit tighter than you can sleeves. Now, our favorite elbow wraps are the Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps, as they have become an invaluable addition to our gym bags.

The team at Generation Iron often engages in heavy lifting and intense training sessions regularly, and we have come to appreciate the reliable support and stability Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps offer. Let’s break them down.

Iron Bull Strength Elbow Wraps Overview

Take your lifts to new heights with the Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps that help to offer protection and compression to aid in getting those lifts completed. 

It is time to dissect these elbow wraps and all they have to offer.

Key Takeaways

  • Premium A-Grade Material (Nylon/Elastic)
  • Level 3 Compression
  • Adjustable fit
  • Great comfort and support
  • 40-60in long, 3in wide
  • Hook and Loop Closure

About Iron Bull Strength

Iron Bull Strength is your ultimate destination for top of the line fitness equipment and accessories to pack your gym bag with. Iron Bull Strength has a true passion for helping athletes and fitness enthusiasts reach their peak performance, we have built a reputation for providing top-quality products that are designed to withstand the toughest workouts.

What to Look for With Elbow Wraps

When it comes to finding good elbow wraps, you want a pair that will provide you some great support. There is nothing worse than injuring yourself, and those pushing movements can put a lot of strain on your elbow joints. The right elbow wraps will offer great adjustability, comfort, compression, and stability throughout your lifts. Now let’s take a look at why Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps fit the criteria. 

Iron Bull Strength Elbow Wraps Broken Down

Design and Build

elbow wraps

The Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps boast a well-thought-out design that combines durability with comfort, so you don’t have to worry about them falling apart or causing discomfort during your lifts. These elbow wraps are made from high-quality, premium A-grade materials that feel sturdy and are built to withstand the rigors of demanding workouts. 

What are the materials? These premium elbow wraps utilize a stiff and durable nylon elastic blend designed to provide superior elbow and forearm stability during your most demanding lifts. The elasticated fabric ensures a snug fit without sacrificing flexibility, allowing for a full range of motion while still providing ample support to the elbows, so you can get the most out of your workouts. 


iron bull strength elbow wraps

One standout feature of the Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps is their impressive level of adjustability. They come equipped with an innovative elastic loop system and hook & loop closure, offering a secure fit with ease and facilitating quick installation as well as removal. This makes it easy to tighten or loosen the wraps according to your preference and the specific demands of your workout. For example, if you are going for a heavy one rep max on your bench press, you may want them a bit tighter before you get under the barbell. This adaptability is crucial for various exercises, from heavy bench presses to dynamic arm movements.

Support and Compression

The primary function of the Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps is to offer support and compression to the elbows, and they excel in this regard. The wraps provide a secure feeling, helping to stabilize the joint and minimize the risk of overextension or injury during lifts, but they do not force you to sacrifice your flexibility. The compression is well-distributed, promoting better blood flow and reducing the chances of fatigue and soreness post-workout.

Protection Against Injury

These premium elbow wraps help with protection against injury with their great compression and support to the elbow joints, which get placed under a lot of stress when executing heavy movements. Think of them like knee wraps, but instead they go around your elbows.


The performance of these premium elbow wraps is unmatched, as they offer incredible support and stability during the lifts when you need it most.


Whether you’re a powerlifter, bodybuilder, or someone engaged in functional fitness, these elbow wraps prove to be versatile across different disciplines. Many people have this conception that elbow wraps are just for powerlifters or strength athletes, but bodybuilders can get just as much use out of them, especially on heavy or high volume days. Our team has found them particularly beneficial during heavy pressing movements.


The problem with a lot of elbow wraps is that they are not built to last, and this is not the case with Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps. After weeks of regular use in the gym, going through some heavy pressing movements and intense workouts as a whole, the Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps have shown no signs of wear and tear. The stitching is robust, and the materials used seem to be of high quality. This durability is crucial for any fitness accessory, especially when subjected to the stresses of intense training sessions.


Price is always a large factor in choosing equipment. Luckily, the Iron Bull Premium Elbow Wraps do not break the bank, as you can pick up these great pieces of equipment for just $50.

Our Verdict on Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps

No Generation Iron review is complete without our input, whether we are reviewing your bodybuilding supplements like creatine and protein, or your gym equipment like barbells and dumbbells. In this case, we tested out these premium elbow wraps, and it is safe to say that these pieces of equipment will not be leaving our gym bags. They are high quality, offer great stability and comfort, and really help during those intense workouts.

Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps are definitely going to be used for our future lifts.

Who Should Buy These Elbow Wraps

  • Bodybuilders
  • Powerlifters
  • Those who want elbow protection during heavy lifts

Who Should Not Buy These Elbow Wraps

  • People who don’t want to protect their elbows and lift heavy


elbow wraps

Do I Need Elbow Wraps for Every Lift?

No, you do not need elbow wraps for every lift. Most people will throw these on during heavy or high volume pushing workouts to help get through them.

Are Elbow Wraps Better than Elbow Sleeves?

When it comes to elbow wraps vs. elbow sleeves, the goals are essentially the same. However, elbow wraps offer a bit more compression and are easier to get on and off, as they are adjustable and can be tailored to your arm size.


In conclusion, the Iron Bull Strength Premium Elbow Wraps have become a staple in our gym bags over at Generation Iron. Their combination of durability, adjustability, and reliable support make them a standout choice for anyone serious about their fitness journey. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner looking to enhance your workouts, these elbow wraps are a worthwhile investment that can contribute to improved performance and injury prevention.

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Dylan Wolf
I work mainly in content writing, focusing my free time on bodybuilding and strength sports. I was introduced to fitness in high school and after watching Generation Iron movies. I love to train. I have competed multiple times, even winning a junior title in classic physique. I have a bachelor's in criminal justice and business obtained through Alvernia University. When I am not focused on work or training, I enjoy watching films or reading about anything and everything.