How The Lat Pullover Provides Back Growth For Bodybuilders

A great exercise to hit many muscles for some serious growth.

It’s fair to say that we all want what’s best for our gains. When it comes to building strength and size, it can be easy to get bogged down in trying to find the right exercise, the one that will work many muscle groups and really start to enhance our training and performance. While those isolation exercises are always a good option, for they specifically target your muscles in unique ways, looking for those exercises which allow you to tackle more than one exercise can prove to be even better, in terms of both time and efficiency. The lat pullover is one such exercise that has the ability to transform your gains so you see that mighty growth you wish to see most.

While the lat pullover is a great exercise for your lats, the largest muscle group in your back, it will work others as well so you see not only growth but a host of other benefits to drive your training to the next level. As a compound exercise, this exercise is great for people of all levels and skill sets so everyone can benefit from the amazing results seen when performing the lat pullover. A popular exercise in those bodybuilding communities, for athletes of all sports, the lat pullover is starting to become something of a regular in their routines.

Let’s take a look at the lat pullover and see what the hype is with this great exercise. From what it is, to muscles worked, and the amazing benefits around it, this is certainly one exercise to add to your routine. Once you see the results, you definitely won’t be disappointed.

strong back

What Is The Lat Pullover?

The lat pullover is a compound exercise popular with bodybuilders and now making a revival among other athletes alike. Although this is a compound movement, for it works many other muscle groups as well, it is the closest thing to a lat isolation exercise given its ability to provide that serious strain on your lats to increase growth. This exercise serves as a way to train your chest and back at the same time which is why it is such a staple in athletes’ routines. When it comes to results and what you get out of the lat pullover, you cannot go wrong by tossing this in the mix of some of the best exercises around (1).


Muscles Worked During This Exercise

The lat pullover primarily works two muscle groups: your lats and pecs. This may seem strange, as one is a pulling muscle and the other mainly for pushing. What you’ll find is that this exercise is not conventional in that sense and it’s a unique compound exercise to work many muscles at once. On top of your chest and back, the lat pullover will work your triceps, deltoids, and muscles in the upper back, as well as your abdominal muscles, which are needed to enhance balance and stabilization. A great exercise able to work many muscles, you certainly feel a burn with the lat pullover.

strong back

Benefits Of The Lat Pullover

Upper Body Killer

The lat pullover can really work your upper body muscles leaving you sore in the best of ways. With your lats and chest as prime targets, the secondary muscles worked will all give you that boost when it comes upper body strength. Principle muscle groups or stabilizers will be targeted and you’ll really get a sense of just what is needed to improve your upper body strength.


Increased Stability Through Core Work

Your core is vital when it comes to balance and stabilization and this exercise requires the utmost control and tightness as you lift the weight overhead. Your core will be engaged to feel a burn, and while they may not be heavily targeted like a core only workout, work is still being done. With enhanced stability, not only will this workout improve, but also bigger lifts and sport specific movements (2).

Overhead Enhancer

The lat pullover will work to improve any of those overhead movements you may find challenging and will increase the support of those smaller stabilizer muscles as you go. Great for bigger lifts, like the overhead press, or any sport specific movement that requires your lats as primary movers, the lat pullover will see improvements as a strong overhead enhancer (3).

back workout

How To Perform This Exercise

Here are the steps for performing the lat pullover exercise:

Grab your dumbbells and lie on a bench. Your feet will be grounded and core is engaged. Hold the dumbbells over your chest and have a slight bend in the elbow as you bring the weight past your head, your arms in line with your body. Bring the weight back to your starting position and repeat for your desired number of reps.

Helpful Tips & Tricks For The Lat Pullover

Some things to look out for when performing this exercise:

  • Don’t arch your back: Keep your core tight and back flat on the bench.
  • Too much movement: Don’t pull the weight too far back and create extra strain that leads to injury.
  • Keep a controlled motion: There’s no need to fly through this exercise.
  • Be mindful of weight: As with every exercise, work your way to heavier weight as this exercise may cause extra strain to your shoulders.

Wrap Up

The lat pullover is a great exercise that can seriously enhance all areas of your gains, especially when it comes to your back and chest growth. As a great overhead enhancer with the ability to hit your core as well, this compound exercise serves as the closest thing to a lat isolation exercise to really enhance that growth. When it comes to finding the right exercise for you, you can’t go wrong with the lat pullover and should really consider adding this to your routine. You won’t be upset with the results of this fantastic back exercise.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of Envato


  1. Marchetti, Paulo H.; Uchida, Marco C. (2011). “Effects of the Pullover Exercise on the Pectoralis Major and Latissimus Dorsi Muscles as Evaluated by EMG”. (source)
  2. Hibbs, Angela E.; Thompson, Kevin G.; French, Duncan; Wrigley, Allan; Spears, Iain (2008). “Optimizing performance by improving core stability and core strength”. (source)
  3. Waller, Mike; Piper, Tim; Miller, Jason (2009). “Overhead Pressing Power/Strength Movements”. (source)
Austin Letorney
Austin Letorney is a writer, actor, and fitness enthusiast. As a former rower, he has shifted his focus to sharing his knowledge of the fitness world and strength sports with others.