How Adding 1500 Calories to PNBA Bodybuilder Michaela Peramaki’s Diet Transformed Her Physique

Michaela Peramaki 30 lb transformation
Images via Instagram @michaela_physiquepro

PNBA bodybuilder Michaela Peramaki added 30 pounds of healthy weight to her physique without changing a thing about her training. 

Often when people are trying to reach a fitness goal, they’re afraid to eat. Many gym-goers trying to improve their physique will undereat with the hopes of warding off fat and building a better body. The problem with this is that you need to eat enough for your body to function correctly and build muscle–which is imperative for a fantastic physique. Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association (PNBA) Michaela Peramaki showcased the progress you can make with your body after eating more. 

Michaela Peramaki received a bronze medal in the Pro Women’s Physique Open division at 2020 Natural Olympia. In addition, she displayed a stunning physique transformation on Instagram (IG). Peramaki was able to gain a healthy 30 pounds in two years after adding 1500 calories to her diet. But her training routine didn’t change. Peramaki said:

“Yesterday (155lbs) 1 year ago (140lbs) 2 years ago (125lbs)

This is the heaviest I have ever been, the strongest I have ever been, and the most confident I have ever been. I can’t believe it took this long to decide to allow myself to eat and nourish my muscles the way they should be! 

What is really cool about these pictures, is I didn’t change a thing about the way I’ve trained. The only difference is i’m eating about 1,500 more calories in the first picture than in the last. Food is a tool to get you the results you want. Don’t ever be scared to eat.”

You can see her two-year progress photos from 125 lbs to 155 lbs below. 

The Importance of Eating More 

A lot of people who are trying to make progress with their physiques won’t eat enough calories since they’re in fear of getting fat. Of course, you don’t want to overeat. But eating enough calories is imperative to anyone’s bodybuilding journey. There’s a time and place for cutting, but there’s also a time and place for bulking. Unfortunately, too many people spend too much time cutting–not to mention cutting their calories too far below their maintenance calories–instead of focusing on building muscle. 

Natural bodybuilders such as Michaela Peramaki know the importance of eating enough for muscle growth. And so does other PNBA professionals such as Natural Olympia champion Brandon Lirio and the first-ever Natural Olympia champion John Hansen. Lirio expressed that allowing yourself to go through a period of higher calories is essential to balancing your hormones and improving your physique each year. And John Hansen stated, “I had to increase my food intake. I had to take in a lot of food. And that’s how I got big. you got to eat a lot of food and not be afraid to bulk up.”


Cutting your calories back is integral to anyone’s fat loss journey. However, to progress with your physique each year, it’s critical to eat more calories and focus on building muscle. 

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Terry Ramos
As a personal trainer and writer, Terry loves changing lives through coaching and the written word. Terry has a B.S. in Kinesiology and is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and ISSA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He enjoys playing music, reading, and watching films when he's not writing or training.