inner chest training headerIs there a difference in the grip?

There are plenty of men out there who try to build the perfect upper body. For a man to feel superior physical, most feel the need to build up the lats, abs, and especially the chest. There’s simply no getting around it, having great pectorals is certainly a key goal for many male bodybuilders. Whether they’ve gotten their inspiration from superheroes, bodybuilders of the past, or any other athlete, what sets apart the greats from the average are having a well muscled and powerful chest.

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In the journey to build an exceptional chest, many wonder on how exactly they should go about building up the pecs to bring them to supreme greatness. In that journey you’ll find individuals who believe in just hitting the bench press as usual. Others claim that the outer and inner chest must be trained in order to reach absolute pectoral greatness. For this many have looked to performing the bench press with a narrow grip to work the inner chest muscles. But does it truly make a difference?

The chest can be broken down into two separate pectoral heads, the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. The pectoralis major make up the majority of the chest muscle while the minor only makes up the outer region of the pecs. Because the pectoralis major can be looked at as one big slab of muscle, training the inner chest muscles isn’t necessarily the best plan of attack. When training the pecs its best to use a wide grip as both the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor will both be worked. In order to get some variety in the workout, a narrow grip isn’t a bad idea. There has been little evidence to support the narrow grip bench as a way to work the inner chest muscles, but they will contribute to the chest as a whole as well as give some great triceps work.

How do you train chest?

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