This year’s top 4 was close. While Phil was definitely the clear winner, Big Ramy, Shawn Rhoden, and Dexter Jackson, all had great showings. What put Phil Heath head and shoulders above the rest? Ironically, his BACK!
When competition is so close every muscle peak and striation counts. And with the best bodybuilders on the biggest stage, this goes double fold. What many people forget is that the show is judged by humans, humans who have biases and preferences in what they’re looking for come show day. If you’ve been watching the Mr. O for the last couple of years, you might have noticed something, when it comes down to the final four and competition gets tough, these guys always seem to go back to back.
All the competitors know it’s coming, and they give it their all each year, but when it comes time for the back pose, the 6x Mr. Olympia winner makes sure he’s the only one in the room. So how did he get his double back bicep on full attack, his back lat spread on swole street? Well, It didn’t start yesterday. Phil has a carefully calculated regimen that has propelled him into the dynasty he is today.
2016 (Ten weeks out)
As you can see Phil Heath has progressed from all mass to world class, in just a couple of years. Whether you love him or hate him, in a short amount of time Phil has sculpted his back to run away from the competition.
What do you guys think? Does Phil have the best back in the game, or has he been getting a little help from the judges?
Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.