Rick Collins Esq. addresses the stereotype of crossing the border to Mexico to obtain steroids. As with many illegal substances, there is a stereotype about
Rick Collins Esq
Rick Collins Esq: The Legal Complications Behind Synthol Oil
Synthol Oil is legal but only when intended to be used under certain conditions... that does not include injections. Rick Collins Esq. is a lawyer and former
Rick Collins Esq: Are SARMs legal?
Rick Collins Esq. explains the legal complications behind SARMs. In the bodybuilding world, you've likely heard of selector androgen receptor modulators also
Rick Collins Esq: The Truth Behind Claims Of Spiked Supplements
Rick Collins Esq. goes into detail about regulations on supplement companies and claims of spiked products. Overtime in the mainstream media, the supplement
Rick Collins Esq. Answers: What Are Gym’s Rights During Mandated Lockdowns?
Rick Collins Esq. details gym's rights, and general rights, dealing with police officers during mandated lockdowns. As cases begin to rise again in the United
Rick Collins Esq: Is It Illegal For Non-Doctors To Give Online Advice About Steroid Use?
The legal authority on PEDs, Rick Collins Esq., explains the legality behind giving open advice about illegal drugs. Recreational use of steroids for
Rick Collins, Esq. Answers: Can Bodybuilders Get Arrested For Using Steroids In The US?
The legal authority on PEDs, Rick Collins Esq., explains how steroids fell into America's war on drugs. Rick Collins is a lawyer and self proclaimed main legal