Tom Stoltman Pulls a Massive 1,102.3 Lb (500 Kg) 18 Inch Deadlift

Tom Stoltman pulls an incredible 1,102.3 Lb deadlift during training.

Two-time World’s Strongest Man, Tom Stoltman recently pulled a massive 1102.3 lb (500 kg) 18-inch Deadlift in training. The Scottish strongman showed once again that he’s one of the strongest humans on the planet with this impressive feat of strength.

The deadlift is perhaps the most difficult of the three classic lifts, which also include the squat and the bench press. Many a lifter has found themselves literally losing consciousness, as they attempt to lift a heavy load on the deadlift. If your technique is less than adequate, you can seriously injure yourself performing the deadlift. But if one is proficient in performing the movement, the exercise has incredible benefits. It’s why it’s one of the major go-to exercises for strongman athletes.

The massive gains received from deadlifting major weight cannot be denied. As such, two-time World’s Strongest Man Tom Stoltman utilized the movement in his own training. If his standing as one of the strongest men on the planet wasn’t evidence enough, the exercise has no doubt helped him in his professional strongman career.

Massive Deadlift

After coming in second place at the 2023 World’s Strongest Man competition, Tom Stoltman has made it his mission to further increase his strength to ensure victory in 2024. Looking to build his already incredible strength, Stoltman recently pulled a massive 1,102.3 lb (500 kg) deadlift from 18 inches.

🚨 500kg 18inch deads 🚨

Last big one before

the shaw classic

While the barbell may be elevated 18 inches, it’s still one of the most incredible feats of strength you’ll ever see. Tom Stoltman pulled a weight that is just shy of the world record deadlift held by 2018 World’s Strongest Man Hafthor Bjornsson. With less than two weeks until the Shaw Classic, Stoltman is looking strong and ready to take on any challenges at the big show.

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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Jonathan Salmon
Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.