Your Transformation Can Never Be Successful Without These 6 Things
Thanks to the New Years Resolutions, most gyms around the world see the maximum influx of new members around the New Year. This behavioral pattern is enough to conclude that most people get a gym membership to undergo a body transformation.
After the new year’s resolutions fade away and the newbies can’t see the gains they had hoped for, they are quick to fall off their fitness journeys. A body transformation takes much more than watching a couple of YouTube motivational videos and buying a 5lb whey protein tub.
For a transformation to be successful, you need to follow many interconnected variables. Faulting on any of these won’t let you achieve your goals. Think of these variables as the Commandments.
Before you begin your transformation journey, be warned that it is not going to be easy. Achieving the physique of your dreams takes a lot of discipline, patience, and hard work. A transformation is more than a process, it’s a lifestyle.
Ingredients For Successful Body Transformations
If you are a seasoned lifter, you’ll encounter many gym noobs who’ll tell you they are following a transformation program. Ask them about their timeline and you’ll see their faces go blank. If you don’t have a deadline or a prospective timeline noted down on paper, you’re never going to get there.
Have you ever embarked on a trip without first finding out how long it is going to take to reach your destination? Why don’t people follow the same logic when they begin their transformation journeys.
If you begin without the end in mind, you’re sure to fall off the track at some point or the other. You might end up missing training sessions, going out for drinks too often, or miss your meal preps. This brings us to our next point.
Weekly and bi-weekly assessments are irreplaceable when it comes to transformations. Having a timeline ensures that you tally your progress with your goals. Weekly assessments give you ample time to re-kindle your program as per your goals and progress.
If you don’t do frequent assessments, you might learn about your deficiencies after the ship has sailed. If you do find discrepancies after an evaluation, you can make adjustments to your program, or pat yourself on the back if everything is right on track.
You can also introduce an accountability factor to your assessments by sharing your progress with your training partner, a coach, or even online. Sharing your goals with others will subconsciously push you to do better and not fall off the fit lifestyle bandwagon.
Since we have mentioned a coach, let’s dive deeper. We told you everything is interconnected. If you have a timeline to follow and can’t afford to fool around with the good old trial and error method, getting a trainer will be your best bet.
Fitness coaches bring with them expertise that can help eliminate the pain that comes with injuries caused by performing an exercise with an incorrect form. When you train with a coach, the chances of hitting a plateau can also reduce by a margin.
You should always choose a coach based upon his past performance with his clients. For example, if your goal is to jump on a stage, find a coach who specializes in training for competitions. You need to find the right match between your goals and the skill set of a trainer.
If the timeline tells you the ETA, the program tells you the route. Here we are referring to the training and diet programs both. If you’re a newbie, getting professional help with your diet and training plans can save you a lot of time, money, and effort.
Most beginners make the mistake of following a vanilla training program in which they perform 3 sets of 5 exercises in each workout. No two people have the same muscle composition and hence the same program can’t work for people with different goals and timelines. Your transformation can never be successful if you waste your time in the gym performing random exercises.
For overall development, your training program should have a variety of exercises and training principles like supersets, dropsets, intraset stretching, and your diet plan should include a wide variety of nutrients and nutrient sources.
Change is the Only Constant
Don’t feel confused. We know we talked about variables at the beginning of the article. Change is the only constant you’re going to have in a transformation. This isn’t too far away from being a variable. If you follow the same workout or diet program for a long period, your body will get used to it.
Unlike other things in life where quick adaption is desirable, your body adapting to your workouts isn’t good news. Once your muscles adapt to your training style, they will stop responding to the exercise stimulus and would hence stop growing.
You need to be always shocking your muscles with your workouts. Need a sign if you’re doing it right? At the end of a training session, your muscles should be pumped AF, brimming with lactic acid, and annihilated.
When The Rock fanboys join the gym, they’re possessed with the desire to be the hardest worker in the room. They forget that training is only one-third of the game. Rest and nutrition are equally important. You aren’t going to see any gains if you are not giving your muscles enough time to rest and recuperate.
You should be sleeping not less than six hours every day. Also, for optimal recovery, you should let your muscles recover for three days before training them again. If you feel soreness or pain in your muscles or joints, you shouldn’t hesitate to see a doctor. Regular massage sessions can also take your recovery to the next level.
Supplements can also play an incredibly efficient role in recovery. If you’re not able to meet your daily macro or micronutrient requirements through your diet, you should incorporate supplements into your routine. Don’t rely too heavily on supplements, though. Your primary source of nutrition should always be real whole foods. Don’t forget they are called supplements for a reason.
What’s your plan for getting huge?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.