Wesley Vissers shows improvements in his physique during his latest guest posing.
Earlier this year Wesley Vissers had quite the controversial placing at the Arnold Classic only landing 10th place at the finals. This comes after many fans were hyped to see become a real threat and challenge the top competitors for first place. This didn’t happen – but that doesn’t mean we should count him out of the fight just yet.
Much like how Brandon Curry hit a low point a few years back before completely transforming his approach and his physique to ultimately earn him the Mr. Olympia title – so too can Wesley Vissers live up to his initial promise moving forward into 2020.
Which is why it’s exciting to see Wesley Vissers’ latest physique during a guest posing over the weekend where he’s packed on some mass while also still maintaining impressive classic physique lines. Our content partner Fazi Fitness has put the clip together in his latest bodybuilding updates compilation – you can check it out above.
Do you think Wesley Vissers will make a bigger statement in bodybuilding competitions next year? Let us know what you think in the comments. And if you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Fazi Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here for more bodybuilding video updates.