4 More Dumb Bodybuilding Myths Debunked

Myth 4: If You Take A Long Break, Your Muscle Will Turn To Fat

This has to be one of the most longstanding myths out there. If you sit on your ass all day and do nothing then all that muscle you’ve gained will turn to fat. That simply isn’t true. The truth is that when we do build a considerable amount of muscle, lifting heavy and consuming a certain number of calories, when we fall off from training the culprit isn’t the lack of exercise. It’s the appetite. When you’re putting on muscle you’re eating more calories than you burn. Even when simply training and eating at maintenance your body is taking in more calories than it would if you weren’t training in the first place. But once you stop training that appetite doesn’t go away. If you don’t compensate for your lack exercise then eating the same number of calories you were when you were training hard will ultimately be your undoing and will begin to put fat onto your frame. Muscle doesn’t turn into fat, but you can certainly gain fat by lack of exercise and over consumption of calories.

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