Don’t be like Johnny Drama. Work for some serious calves.
Calves are one of those muscle groups that have an interesting stigma. Much like the forearms, the calves are either heavily neglected or a point of obsession for many bodybuilders. Even when many bodybuilders do focus on the calves – they find that they’re not making the kind of development they want. Instead of looking into getting calf implants like Johnny Drama, we’ve got some suggestions that can solve your underwhelming calf development issues.
Get Your Priorities Set
Some people make the mistake of training their calves at the end of their workout rather than given them special attention in the first place. If you’ve tired yourself from an intense chest day or brutal back training, the chances are that you’ll likely be so drained that focusing on your calf improvement will be secondary. The calf is like any other muscle and should be trained just as intensely. Don’t fall into the trap of tiring yourself out before focusing on the calves. Make them a priority.