Dorian Yates Explains Why Underhand Pulldowns Are More Effective Than Standard

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Dorian Yates has advocated for underhand pulldowns to build a wider back!

Bodybuilding legend Dorian Yates built one of the best physiques of all-time but became known for his insane back. So, when he speaks about how to build a wider back, it is beneficial to hear what he has to say. Yates spoke about why underhand pulldowns are better than the standard wide-grip.

“The hand placement is just closer than shoulder width and pull with your elbows, drive them into your lats and hold for a second with a slow negative.”

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From 1992-1997, Yates did not lose a competition and racked up six-consecutive Olympia titles. Following his final victory on the biggest stage, Yates retired from bodybuilding after suffering different injuries. In retirement, Yates has maintained a shredded physique while sharing his wisdom in the gym.

Yates continued to explain why he believes the standard pulldowns are a “waste of time.”

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Dorian Yates Talks Benefits Of Underhand Pulldowns

Yates took position on a lat pulldown machine and began discussing his mindset when performing this exercise. He highlighted range of motion and bicep involvement as to reasons why he prefers the underhand grip.

“Why am I doing this? Because this is a very short range of motion. Also, I’m putting the biceps in a weaker position. So if I go here, much bigger range of motion, biceps in a better position.”


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Looking at the muscles worked with the underhand lat pulldown, we see it is a great upper body enhancer for multiple groups. The primary muscles targeted are the lats, aiding in that wide physique and great pulling strength. Along with the lats, other muscle groups that see good work are the forearms, biceps, delts, and other back muscles, all working for optimal engagement.

Dorian Yates would incorporate this movement early in his back workout.

“This was usually second in my back routine where the biceps came into play for a pulling exercise. I did underhand pulldowns on the lat pulldown station and eventually performed them on the Hammer Strength underhand pulldown machine… either is fine to use.”

How To Perform Underhand Lat Pulldowns

Here are the steps for performing the underhand lat pulldown exercise.

  • Set yourself up on the pulldown machine and adjust for the right height.
  • With an underhand grip, grab the bar and fully extend your arms.
  • With an engaged core and your feet firmly planted on the ground, pull the bar towards your chest with your elbows close to your body.
  • Pause at the bottom for a brief moment and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for your desired number of reps.

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Greg Patuto
Greg has covered the four major sports for six years and has been featured on sites such as Sports Illustrated, Fox Sports, SB Nation,, and FanSided. Now, he is transitioning into the world of bodybuilding and strength sports.