Essential Truthes You Need To Know About Creatine Header

What’s the big deal about creatine anyway?

Creatine is perhaps one of the most talked about supplements used by bodybuilders. It’s had the stigma of being considered an anabolic substance, a steroid that can cause some adverse affects. But we all know this couldn’t be further from the truth. Creatine is a natural substance that you can find in many protein sources including beef and pork. Those who are all about being natty can put their minds to rest that they have a supplement that is natural and can still boost their muscle gains.

But despite that knowledge, some people still don’t understand how exactly creatine affects the body. For those still wondering about whether not creatine is for them, we’ve compiled a list of must-know facts that will help make your decision that much simpler.

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Great for Post Workout

Generation Iron Post Workout

You’ve thrashed your muscles in the gym and pushed your body to the limit. This is the absolute ideal time to be taking your creatine. Consuming creatine during your post workout will help your body recover from a rough session. Post workout is also when the muscles will be more receptive to taking the supplement into the cells.

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