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BELDT Labs PRIZM Review For Antioxidant Support, Energy & More


Boost antioxidant support, energy, and more with key vitamins and minerals in PRIZM.

Product Overview

As athletes constantly pushing our bodies to the limit, we often neglect the fact that our bodies take more of a beating than we think. Even with a good workout and lifestyle routine, our bodies still suffer deficiencies of vital nutrients and constant wear and tear given our work load. Multivitamin supplements are packed with vitamins and minerals in efforts to restore those lost nutrients while also keeping your levels as high as possible for optimal health and wellness. PRIZM is a super spectrum multivitamin designed to give you all those vitamins and minerals you need with a clean and effective formula.

PRIZM comes from BELDT Labs, a company creating supplements of all kinds to give athletes the chance to maximize their goals and potential. On top of individual products, BELDT Labs also specializes in supplement stacks to pair the right supplements. They also have a clothing and apparel line as well.

Beldt Labs PRIZM is a super spectrum multivitamin complex with 42 different fruits and vegetables to provide the best benefits.

Main Takeaways

  • Super spectrum multivitamin with powerful health boosting compounds
  • Packed with the nutrition of 42 different fruits and vegetables that are highly nutritious
  • Designed for athletes and everyday folks at an affordable price


PRIZM Highlights

PRIZM is a super spectrum multivitamin with a unique design and formulation to answer all your demands. Packed with nutrition of 42 different fruits and vegetables, what you will find is a highly nutritious supplement with powerful health boosting compounds great for athletes, general fitness folks, or those who never step foot in a gym. Benefits of taking this multivitamin include things like better immunity, enhanced cognitive function, potential weight loss, and a healthier lifestyle overall.

With 30 servings per container, and 2 capsules as a serving size, each serving comes out to be $0.99, an affordable price and one that is competitive on the market. With key vitamins and minerals, and a non-GMO formula, this multivitamin has potential to make you feel fantastic overall.


Vitamin A: Works to improve eyesight, cell growth, and can improve immunity (1).

Vitamin C: Best known for enhancing your immune system and can be helpful for stress and anxiety (2).

Vitamin D-3: Great for strengthening bones, boosting immunity, and acting as an anti-inflammatory aid (3).

Vitamin E: Also helpful for vision, but can improve blood, brain, and skin health (4).

Calcium: Important for maintaining healthy bones and works to improve muscle movements (5).

Iron: Helps with hemoglobin formation, body temperature and the proper regulation, and is an oxygen carrier (6).

Zinc: Known for its role in boosting immunity but can also help with hormone production, wound healing, and digestive help (7).

Coenzyme Q10: May help with brain and lung health, may help with infertility, and can regulate blood sugar levels while boosting athletic performance (8).

Inositol: May have great benefits to improving mental health by controlling anxiety and depression (9).

Rutin: Can help strengthen blood vessels and will work to improve circulation (10).

Other Ingredients

Vitamin B-1, Vitamin B-2, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Folate, Vitamin B-12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Iodine, Magnesium, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Potassium, Choline Bitartrate, Citrus Bioflavonoids 50% Complex, Panax ginseng Powder, Boron, Fruits and Vegetables Blend (see label for complete list), Rice bran oil, gelatin, chlorophyll


Number Of Ingredients 30+
Number of Servings 30
Serving Size 2 Liquid Filled Capsules
Best Way To Take Take 2 liquid filled capsules 1 to 2 times daily with meals.

Price & Effectiveness

PRIZM is a highly nutritious and effective multivitamin supplement designed to give you the best results when it comes to optimizing your overall health and wellness. With 60 capsules per bottle and 2 capsules as a serving size, this supplement will give you 30 servings overall.


  • Highly nutritious with nutrition of 42 fruits and vegetables
  • Non-GMO formula
  • Great benefits for things like immunity, cognitive function, and overall wellness
  • Great for athletes and non-athletes


  • N/A

Price: $29.00

What To Consider Before Buying

Before buying any multivitamin supplement there are some key factors to consider. In our minds, PRIZM covers these bases below:

  • Ingredients: When it comes to the key vitamins and minerals you need, your multivitamin should include all of them and then some. Our bodies need plenty of nutrients to thrive and without certain key ones, it can lead to a deficiency and hurt overall gains.
  • Results: You want any supplement you take to yield results. This comes from a well-researched formula and top of the line ingredients. Judging by PRIZM’s customer reviews, the results speak for themselves.
  • Price: Supplements can get expensive, but it is possible to find a quality product at a reasonable price. The price per serving is a key number to compare to for this is really what you are paying for.


Who Should Buy & Who Shouldn’t Buy

Who Should Buy: Anyone looking for a highly nutritious and unique multivitamin to support their daily needs. Everyone from athletes to general fitness folks can benefit from PRIZM.

Who Shouldn’t Buy: Anyone stuck in their ways and forever tied to their favorite supplement company.

How Best To Use PRIZM

It is best to use PRIZM by taking 2 liquid filled capsules 1 to 2 times daily with meals. With further questions on taking supplements, it is also advised to talk with a healthcare professional for more in-depth information.

Check out our list of the Best Multivitamins for more great health and wellness products!

Overall Value

PRIZM is that multivitamin supplement that may yield great results and give you what you want most when it comes to improving your overall health and wellness. BELDT Labs is used to creating premium supplements to improve the lives of both athletes and non-athletes and knows what it takes to succeed. What you are really getting is a high-quality multivitamin supplement with nutrition of 42 fruits and vegetables, a unique formula, and a great price. Try PRIZM today and enhance your health, and ultimately, your performance.

Try PRIZM Today

Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

*Images courtesy of BELDT Labs and Envato


  1. Saari, J. (2016). “Vitamin A and Vision”. (source)
  2. Carr, A.; et al. (2017). “Vitamin C and Immune Function”. (source)
  3. Williamson, L.; et al. (2017). “High dose dietary vitamin D3 increases bone mass and strength in mice”. (source)
  4. Fata, G.; et al. (2014). “Effects of Vitamin E on Cognitive Performance during Ageing and in Alzheimer’s Disease”. (source)
  5. Cormick, G.; et al. (2019). “Calcium Intake and Health”. (source)
  6. Abbaspour, N.; et al. (2014). “Review on iron and its important for human health”. (source)
  7. Wessels, I.; et al. (2017). “Zinc as a Gatekeeper of Immune Function”. (source)
  8. Cooke, M.; et al. (2008). “Effects of acute and 14-day coenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise performance in both trained and untrained individuals”. (source)
  9. Mukai, T.; et al. (2014). “A meta-analysis of inositol for depression and anxiety disorders”. (source)
  10. Ugusman, A.; et al. (2014). “Role of Rutin on Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells”. (source)

Rauno Heinla Sets Silver Dollar Deadlift World Record With 1,278.7-Pound Lift

Silver Dollar Deadlift

Rauno Heinla approached 1,300 pounds during his recent feat of strength.

It has not been the easiest road for Rauno Heinla to this point of the 2022 calendar year. He has dealt with different setbacks that have hindered his progress. Heinla recently put all of that behind him as he set a new silver dollar deadlift world record with a 580kg (1,278.7lb) feat of strength.

Heinla battled stomach issues the kept him out of the World’s Strongest Man competition. It was expected that his return wold take awhile but Heinla was able to put all of that behind him and get on stage during the 2022 Silver Dollar Deadlift Estonian Championship. This competition took place on Saturday in Viljandi. Heinla impressed over the course of the competition including setting a new world record. This mark was previously held by Ben Thompson, which was set during the 2022 WDC Silver Dollar Deadlift World Championships.

The silver dollar deadlift gets its name because the barbell has two boxes on the side full of plates. In the past, these boxes were filled with actual silver dollars but it would take too many in today’s sport. Adding plates on each side makes more sense. Heinla stepped up to the weight with a lifting belt, wrist wraps, and deadlift suit.


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Rauno Heinla is back on stage and will continue to reach new heights. Since accomplishing this silver dollar lift, conversations have started about Heinla reaching the deadlift world record. This is a goal that he has been working toward during training.

Heinla has competed in 45 competitions during his powerlifting career. He has appeared in just one World’s Strongest Man competition. He missed this year’s show but is planning to appear at the 2022 Giants Live World Open & World Deadlift Championships. This could be the site of Heinla attempting to reach the deadlift world record.

Heinla is considered a threat to the deadlift throne because this is where his greatest strength lies. He has reached the 1,000-pound mark in a standard deadlift and this number will continue to rise.

Rauno Heinla was able to cross off one lift off the top of his lift. Now that the silver dollar lift is in the rearview mirror, he can focus on the overall deadlift world record — potentially at his next show.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Phil Heath Opens Up About Mindset, Family, and Competition On Lewis Howes Podcast

Phil Heath had a very interesting conversation with the popular Lewis Howes.

Seven-time Mr. Olympia champion Phil Heath joined Lewis Howes for an in-depth conversation on the School of Greatness podcast. Heath spoke on a number of topics opening up about his family, particularly his relationship with his father, his mindset and competitive bodybuilding.

Phil Heath has built quite the reputation over the last several years. Once standing as the beacon of bodybuilding, the nigh unbeatable champion, Heath now finds himself semi-retired, but still training hard. While he still has the goods to compete against the best of the best in bodybuilding, His recent downtime has allowed him to evaluate his life outside of competition.

Always known to keep things close to the chest, Phil Heath has been come more open these days. Not only does he touch on mindset, but he also has delved deep into his personal life as well. There’s no better example of that than his recent appearance on the Lewis Howes Podcast.

Renowned for his incredible interviewing abilities, Lewis Howes has the skills to get nearly anyone to open up. On his most recent podcast Howes had the seven-time Olympian champion join him for a deeply engaging conversation.

Deep Dive

Phil Heath spoke on his family life and his relationship with his father. He also touched on his mindset and his bodybuilding career.

Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself. This episode dives deep into having faith in yourself, learning from your mistakes, vulnerability, and so much more.

The legendary Phil Heath is dropping truth bombs left & right in this interview… You don’t want to miss it!


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Insta Make no mistake, this is a far different Phil Heath than what we’re used to seeing. Usually Heath is brimming with confidence, a true pillar of strength. But in this podcast interview, we see the mask slip a bit. We see a far more vulnerable Phil Heath than we ever have before. When he specifically speaks on his father during the podcast, you can see that Heath has found a new level of self-awareness, making him stronger mentally than ever before.

To see the full eye opening interview click here.

What do you think about the Phil Heath interview with Lewis Howes?

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Can You Handle The Wrath Of Frank McGrath’s Workout?


The Wrath of McGrath.

Bodybuilding is all about sacrifice. If you intend on being a pro bodybuilder it means time away from your family and friends, having a strict diet and training method. Essentially what you give to the sport will be what you get out of it. You have to want it bad enough to put up with the suffering that you must endure to see meaningful progress. Everyone has to endure trials and tribulations, but no matter what issues you are faced with it must not push you off the track to greatness. Each workout must be daring and push you not just to the limit but past it.

Frank “The Wrath” McGrath is a true inspiration for any athlete to admire. He’s a man who trains hard in the gym and gives his all in his endeavor to becoming a renowned pro bodybuilder. The Canadian IFBB Pro has faced his fair share of adversity during his career. Not only has he suffered numerous training injuries, including a torn triceps muscle, but McGrath was also involved in a car accident that left him severely injured.

Few men could come back from such a situation and still have the drive to push themselves hard in the gym. But The Wrath only used his dire situation as motivation to get back into pro shape. He didn’t let his injuries hold him back, instead choosing to push himself past his limits and attain an even more impressive form than ever before.

Looking at his training regimen it’s no secret as to why he was able to fight through the pain and anguish he endured to get himself back into exceptional shape. His tough training likely gave him the mental strength to come back from injury and make a return to form. Take a look at the proud Canadian’s training program that made him into the massive, vascular beast that he is today.

barbell workoutDay 1: Chest

Incline Barbell Press 4 sets x 12-6 reps
Flat Dumbbell Press 4 sets x 12-8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3 sets x 12-8 reps
Dumbbell Pullovers 3 sets x 12-10 reps
Cable Crossovers 4 sets x 15-12 reps


Day 2: Back

Wide Grips Chins 4 sets x 10 reps
Barbell Rows 4 sets x 12-6 reps
T-Bar Rows 4 sets x 12-8 reps
Underhand Grip Pulldowns 3 sets x 12-10 reps


Day 3: Off

Day 4: Legs

Leg Extensions 4 sets x 20 reps (warm-up)
Leg Press 4 sets x 20-12 reps
Hack Squats 4 sets x 15-10 reps
Lunges 3 sets x 15-12 reps
Stiff-legged Deadlifts 4 sets x 12-8 reps
Lying Leg Curls 4 sets x 15-10 reps


Day 5: Delts

Barbell Military Press 4 sets x 12-6 reps
Seated Side DB Lateral Raises 4 sets x 12-8 reps
Bent Rear Delt Lateral Raises 4 sets x 12-10 reps
Hammer Strength Machine Press 3 sets x 12-10 reps
DB Shrugs 4 sets x 12-8 reps


Day 6: Arms

Barbell Curls 4 sets x 12-6 reps
Alternating Dumbbell Curls 4 sets x 12-8 reps
Preacher Machine Curls 4 sets x 15-10 reps
Close Grip Bench Press 4 sets x 15-8 reps
Skullcrushers 4 sets x 12-8 reps
Pushdowns 4 sets x 15-10 reps


Day 7: Off


Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, one of the most important things a person can do to prevent plateaus is mix up the variations in their workout. While consistency is important, repeating the same exact workout for months or even years at a time will start to cause frustration when you start seeing less and less results.

This breakdown of Frank McGrath’s workout might be just the shot in the arm you need to start mixing things up, pushing you past your perceived limits, and into a new level of growth and strength.

Does your training program look anything like Frank McGrath’s? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

2022 Toronto Pro Supershow Results

2022 Toronto Pro Supershow Results

Mohamed Shaaban wins the 2022 Toronto Pro Supershow!

The 2022 Toronto Pro Supershow took place on Sunday in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This was a chance for winners from 10 divisions to earn a spot in the 2022 Olympia, which will take place in December in Las Vegas. In the end, it was Mohamed Shaaban who highlighted the show with a victory in Men’s Open.

Mohamed Shaaban returned to the stage during the California Pro last week and finished as the runner-up. He entered Canada with hopes of gaining qualification to the Olympia after a top-10 finish last season. Joe Seeman appeared on stage as the only Canada native in the event and was looking to make an impact, along with Dorian Haywood.

This competition ran deep with plenty of talent. In Bikini, Ashley Kaltwasser is one of the top competitors in the sport. She finished third at the Olympia last year.

The full results from the competition have been announced! Checkout the breakdown of all divisions below, along with the official score cards!

2022 Toronto Pro Supershow: All Division Winners

  • Men’s Open: Mohamed Shaaban
  • Classic Physique: Tyler Johnson
  • Men’s 212: Hossein Kalateh
  • Men’s Physique: Mehdi Kabbadj
  • Women’s Bodybuilding: Lisa Kudrey
  • Fitness: Stephanie Jones
  • Figure: Hanwool Park
  • Bikini: Ashley Kaltwasser
  • Women’s Physique: Ji Hye Lee
  • Wellness: Kassandra Gillis

2022 Toronto Pro Supershow Breakdown

Men’s Open

  • First Place – Mohamed Shaaban
  • Second Place – Theo Leguerrier
  • Third Place – Andrea Muzi
  • Fourth Place – Dorian Haywood
  • Fifth Place – Slavoj Bednar
  • Sixth Place – Mariusz Tomczuk

Classic Physique

  • First Place – Tyler Johnson
  • Second Place – Kwon Hyoung Joo
  • Third Place – Cody Amey
  • Fourth Place –  Kellen Wilson
  • Fifth Place – Eric Abelon
  • Sixth Place – Rob Van Sant

Men’s 212

  • First Place – Hossein Kalateh
  • Second Place – Murat Gonal
  • Third Place – Kentaro Kuramochi
  • Fourth Place – Junho Kim

Men’s Physique

  • First Place – Mehdi Kabbadj
  • Second Place – Reuben Glass
  • Third Place – Chevy Phillips
  • Fourth Place – Lamar McNeal Smith
  • Fifth Place – Francisco A. De la Cruz
  • Sixth Place – Brett Mario Jackson Jr.

Women’s Bodybuilding

  • First Place – Lisa Kudrey 
  • Second Place – Michelle Jin
  • Third Place – Michelle Brent
  • Fourth Place – Gisela Nunes Chan


  • First Place – Stephanie Jones
  • Second Place – Giorgia Foroni
  • Third Place – Danielle DaCosta
  • Fourth Place – Abby Bolton
  • Fifth Place – Corina Harkelroad


  • First Place – Hanwool Park
  • Second Place – Mandy Urner
  • Third Place – Valerie Ratelle
  • Fourth Place – Yelena Larina
  • Fifth Place – Melissa Cech
  • Sixth Place – Larissa Penaloza


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  • First Place – Ashley Kaltwasser
  • Second Place – He Yeun Kim
  • Third Place – Eli Fernandez
  • Fourth Place – Marie-Eve Duchesneau
  • Fifth Place – Jodie Jean Yunker
  • Sixth Place – Cassandra De La Rosa

Women’s Physique

  • First Place – Ji Hye Lee
  • Second Place – Emilija Martic
  • Third Place – Eleonora Dobrinina
  • Fourth Place – Jody Johanson
  • Fifth Place – Jazmin Lira Flores
  • Sixth Place – Marianne Von Gierke


  • First Place – Kassandra Gillis
  • Second Place – Emily Azzarello
  • Third Place – Annie Marie Gobeil
  • Fourth Place – Daniela Deiana
  • Fifth Place – Normarie Fonseca
  • Sixth Place – Celeste Morales

2022 Toronto Pro Supershow Official Score Cards

Generation Iron wishes to congratulate all the great athletes who earned a win at the IFBB Toronto Pro Supershow 2022. Make sure to check out our full IFBB Pro results page from this year and previous years right here to catch up on any action you may have missed!

Calum Von Moger Displays Accident Wounds From Hospital Bed In Update

Calum Von Moger bodybuilder accident

Calum Von Moger showcases some of his wounds received after jumping from a second story window and being hospitalized.

After a somewhat long period of silence, Calum Von Moger shared a video of his wounds received after jumping from a second story window. The video was posted on his official Instagram and appear to be taken from his hospital bed. This post, along with another post made on Instagram earlier today, mark his first direct posts online since April 29th. Moger has been the subject of much media attention after multiple arrests in Australia that eventually led up to his shocking accident.

On May 6th, it was reported that Calum Von Moger jumped through a second story window while under the influence of methamphetamine. He received many injuries, including lacerations from the glass and spinal damage from the fall. He was hospitalized, received spinal surgery, and was in a coma for many days.

The news was a tragic and shocking turn of events after multiple troubling signs leading up to the May 6th incident. Local reports in Australia noted two separate arrests involving road rage incidents – one of which included Moger brandishing a machete. Since the accident, Moger has been reported to be in stable condition and awake. Today marks Moger’s first direct posts on Instagram since the accident.

You can watch the video post below:


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The video, posted on Instagram, showcases Calum Von Moger filming his own arms. His arms have multiple laceration wounds stitched up and some bandaged. Moger appears to still be in the hospital bed during the time of the recording.

Three hours earlier, Calum Von Moger also made a post featuring a quote that appears to be from the Bible:


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“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope.'”

Calum Von Moger’s Accident & Mental Health In Bodybuilding

Calum Von Moger is a bodybuilder that became the pinnacle example of a new era of bodybuilding. His golden era physique and training routine made him stand out for his work ethic. A early video showcasing his physique and his training methods went viral – leading to his eventual fame and continued social media popularity. He was known as Arnold 2.0 due to his classic physique that matched the look of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In 2017, Von Moger garnered fame and notoriety after starred alongside Kai Greene, Rich Piana, Big Ramy, Flex Wheeler and Martyn Ford in Generation Iron 2.” Shortly after Calum von Moger was cast to play a young Arnold in the bio-pic film titled, “Bigger.”

Moger took this popularity and ran with it – revealing not only a continued impressive physique but also starring in his own bio-pic produced by Generation Iron on Netflix titled “Calum von Moger: Unbroken.” He later went on to model for Gucci in the Pre-Fall 2019 campaign. He was one part loved for his classic looking physique, and one part loved for his influencer style adventures and interaction with fans.

So it became shocking to the bodybuilding community when his social channels went silent. Calum Von Moger essentially disappeared in 2022. He returned to Australia, stopped competing in bodybuilding shows, and nearly stopped posting online altogether.

Following this silence, local reports came out of Australia of Moger getting into violent road rage incidents – being arrested twice as noted earlier in this article. This led to an online onslaught of influencer and blog coverage trying to “diagnose” his mental state.

Calum Von Moger eventually made a post on Instagram promising that he would work on his flaws and try to get better. Sadly, shortly after his accident involving jumping through a second story window occurred. This accident also confirmed earlier rumors of his use of methamphetamine.


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In the wider mainstream conversation beyond bodybuilding, there has been much said about the dangers of social media and how it influences mental health. While it is clear that Calum Von Moger has many personal issues that we cannot begin to guess about – his struggles also were clearly seen on social media.

While we are not willing to speculate on what caused Moger’s recent and tragic accident. The entire situation has sparked discussions about mental health in bodybuilding and in relation to social media. Did the added pressure of social media attention during a time of struggle contribute to his declining mental health during this period of time? That’s up for debate – and one the bodybuilding community has been discussing at length recently.

Calum Von Moger’s Recovery

In either case, it appears that Calum Von Moger is on the mend for recovery. We had already received word that he had awoken from his coma – and these posts seem to show that he is ready to start engaging with the bodybuilding community online again. The video, while painful to watch, also shows that his wounds are healing. His spinal injury did no permanently disable him from walking. So for now it seems that Moger will be able to literally walk out of his accident.

Generation Iron wishes a speedy recovery for Calum Von Moger – and will provide more updates as they become available. It’s not clear what the future holds for Moger in direct terms regarding his bodybuilding career, but he has confirmed to Generation Iron he plans to take time away from the fitness world. That may become more clear as time passes during his recovery down the road.

Stay tuned to the Generation Iron Fitness Network for news and updates on all things bodybuilding, fitness, and strength sports.

The Pros and Cons of the Push, Pull, Legs Training Split

The pros and cons of push, pull, legs.

Everyone is looking for the perfect training split that will completely revolutionize their gains and bring about the best results. For each individual the results will vary, but realistically there’s no wrong way to split your training. Most training splits are designed based on the individuals ability to train on a consistent basis.

Some people love total body training, especially if they’re strapped for time. Some individuals enjoy breaking up their training on two specific body parts per training session. Really, it’s all subjective and a matter of preference.

That said, each training split has its own benefits and drawbacks. For instance, a popular training split like push, pull, legs is one that many athletes conform to. While there may be some great benefits to this training method, there are also some drawbacks to look out for in order to get the most out your training.


One great thing about the push, pull, legs program is the emphasis on training specific muscle groups. Push days consist of training all the pushing muscles including the chest, triceps, and shoulders. Pull focuses on biceps, back and is usually paired with ab work as well. Leg day consists of training the collective lower half.

This kind of split allows for some very specific focus and in turn some great recovery time for every targeted muscle group. Because you’ll be working antagonist muscles every other day, it allows the muscles from the previous day to get some adequate rest and recovery, a major key to building quality muscle.


Sounds great right? What could be the down side to training in this manner? Well, while the split still allows you to train the entire body, depending on the intensity of your training session and your lacking body parts, the split may not attack your weak points nearly as much as they should in order to allow them to improve.

For example. If you have lacking in the leg department, most of the split is focused on the upper body. The two days spent training the upper body is necessary to overall growth, but with one day to focus on your lagging legs, it can throw everything off. The split would require modification in order to give your weak points the attention that they need.

This can be compounded if your weaknesses are in multiple areas including the legs, biceps, back and triceps for example. That means additional time would be needed to be put on each aspect of the split. If the split isn’t handled properly you could easily burn yourself out, leaving little time for recovery.

Every training split is going to have its pros and cons. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be using the push, pull, legs program. It’s obvious that the training split has offered great success to many athletes, so it’s definitely something to be experiment with. You can improve your recovery with quality rest periods and proper meal replacements when you are on the go.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his InstagramTwitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.

The Ultimate Workout To Build Ripped Hamstrings


Build Jacked Hamstrings With This Workout

Want to know what ripped hamstrings look like? Imagine a few steel chains running under the paper thin skin at the back of your legs. These chains are what are used to lower and raise your torso when you bend forward to touch your toes or in exercises like the deadlifts.

Hamstrings can be a stubborn muscle group to develop. It’s hard to establish a mind-muscle connection with the hamstrings as they’re at the back of your legs and you can’t look at them in the mirror while training.

Lying Leg Curls – 4 Sets 15 Reps

You’ll be performing a combination of isolation and compound exercises in this workout to smoke your hams. The compound lifts help in building strength and size of the muscle and the isolation movements improve the conditioning.

You’ll start off with the lying leg curls (an isolation exercise) to activate and engage your hams. The concentric (upward) movement should be explosive, and the eccentric should be slow and controlled.

Sumo Squats – 3 Sets 12-10-8 Reps

The sumo squats target the hamstring and abductors primarily. Stand with your feet placed more than shoulder-width apart and point your toes outwards. You should go as deep as possible without leaning forward to target your hamstrings optimally.

If you have trouble performing the barbell sumo squats, you can use a dumbbell. Stand on an elevated platform (like aerobic steps) and take the same stance as you would during the barbell squats.

Hold a dumbbell with both your hands while your arms are fully extended towards and perpendicular to the floor. Your arms will remain in the same position throughout the exercise.

Dumbbell Deadlifts – 3 Sets 12-10-8 Reps

Remember the steel chain reference at the beginning of the article? You need to bring it in practice in the dumbbell deadlifts. Place your toes on quarter plates to better isolate and recruit your hamstrings.

Maintain a slight bend in your knees and lower your torso by bending at your hips while pushing them back and focusing on your hamstrings. Keep your back arched and go as low as you can without recruiting your lower back.


Standing Hamstrings Curls – 3 Sets 20-15-12 Reps

Standing hamstrings curls are an isometric exercise which helps in building conditioning and fixing any muscle imbalances. If you don’t have access to a standing hamstring curl machine, you can use a leg extension machine.

GHD Hyperextensions – 3 Sets 10 Reps

Superset the standing hamstrings curls with the GHD hyperextensions. The GHD hyperextensions were brought into the mainstream by CrossFit athletes and are an incredibly effective exercise to annihilate your hamstrings.

Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3 Sets 12-10-8 Reps

Barbell hip thrusts are one of the most underutilized exercises when it comes to hamstring training. Although the hip thrusts can help you in building meaty hams, you should avoid them if you have an impending lower back injury.

Place your upper back on a flat bench while you have a barbell placed across your groin. Use padding around the barbell to avoid it from digging in when you thrust. Hold and contract your hams at the top of the movement for a couple of seconds before returning to the starting position.

Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Do you train your hamstrings and quads on the same day? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Best Exercises for Bigger Biceps

preacher curls best biceps exercises

Best Exercises for Bigger Biceps

Curls are the fundamental biceps-builder, but they can become monotonous and downright boring. Hence why most of the people you see doing curls at the gym don’t have much progress to show for it. They’re doing the same variation with the same weight for the same amount of reps, week after week.

In order to elicit muscle adaptation and build a bigger set of arms, try implementing the following considerations and exercises into your program.

Training Considerations for Building Bigger Biceps

  1. The ceiling of loading potential is low. Curls are a single joint movement involving flexion and extension of the elbow. That said, you can’t handle as much resistance compared to compound lifts. Rather than feeding into the idea that you have to curl heaver weights every week, you can continue to see gains in your biceps using the following strategies.
  2. Use variety. Different rep ranges, grips, tempo, and tools will help stimulate hypertrophy.
  3. Frequency is important. Instead of hitting biceps once a week, try adding another day to your split.
  4. Intensity is important. Get after it. When you feel like you can’t do one more rep, do two. That said, stay true to your form as much as you can.
  5. Intent is important. To really see noticeable gains, dial in on your biceps and move the weight with intent every rep of every set. As C.T Fletcher says, “I command you to grow!”.

Best Exercises for Bigger Biceps

  1. Chin-Ups

I know what you’re thinking and you’re right, chin-ups aren’t really a “biceps exercise”, let alone a curl. And if you’re doing them right, you should feel it more in your lats and forearms anyway. All things considered, you can focus your intent on your biceps instead as you pull yourself up and squeeze the heck out of ‘em during the eccentric (lowering) phase.

Chin-ups are one of the tried and true ways to increase your relative strength (how efficiently you can move your body through space in relation to your weight). And while it can be easy to cheat your way through dumbbell curls by swinging the weight up, it’s much harder to do so during chin-ups.

Note: No, “kipping” chin-ups will do nothing for your biceps. You’ll just look like a tool.

  1. Barbell Curl

You can’t go wrong here. If you want bigger arms and you haven’t started with these, stop reading right now and go grab a barbell.

  1. Overcoming Isometric Barbell Curl

It’s universally forbidden to curl in the squat rack, with two exceptions to the rule.

  1. If you’re curling more weight than the other guy is squatting.
  2. If you’re doing 3D curls.

Credit goes to Joe DeFranco for this gem. This is probably my favourite way to do curls and I’m sure it’ll be one of yours as well.

The overcoming isometric curl (aka 3D curl) combines all three types of muscle contractions into one exercise: concentric, eccentric, and isometric. Put lightly, it burns the hell out of your biceps.

To do it, set up a couple spotter arms or safety pins on the squat rack at about sternum-height. Grab a barbell and curl it up against (underneath) the spotter arms so it’s placed firmly against them. Curl the barbell up against the arms as hard as you can for an 8-10 sec contraction (at this point you should really feel your biceps and core fire up). After the initial hold, take a step away from the rack and perform 10-15 barbell curls. You’re welcome.

  1. Barbell Curl with Positional Isometrics

Positional isometrics are when you add segmented pauses throughout an exercise’s entire range of motion.

Other than the obvious fact that you’re increasing your biceps’ total time under tension using isometrics, it’s also a really effective way to minimize the most common technique flaw during curls: swinging.

You’ve seen it before. The egotistical maniac flailing his arms in front of the dumbbell rack using weights he has no business lifting. Granted, when you’re really going for it and reaching the end of a tough set, a little body English doesn’t hurt. But when your entire set consists of swinging heavy weights to impress your gym crush (who couldn’t care less, mind you), you’re neglecting the most important part of biceps curls: your biceps.

Positional isometric curls are harder to “cheat”, thus making your biceps the prime mover of the exercise.

  1. Prone Inclined Dumbbell Curl

Credit goes to John Meadows here. Keep the dumbbells pressed together and squeeze the hell out of your biceps. You get a great peak contraction at the top of the curl. As with the positional isometric variation, the prone position doesn’t allow much wiggle room for cheating, which is always great for isolating the biceps.

  1. Inclined Hammer Curl

If you have pre-existing shoulder/pec pain, you might want to shy away from this one for now. To do the inclined curl, have your arms extended with your biceps fully stretched. You can use a supinated or neutral grip here, as long as you feel the contraction where it matters: your biceps.

  1. Kettlebell Rope Curl

Other than just looking cool, the benefits here stretch beyond just building bigger biceps. The inconsistency of the weight challenges your core while the rope handle trains your grip strength. A 3-in-1 curl variation if you ask me.

  1. Tilted Barbell Curl

A common theme you’ve probably noticed is to eliminate cheating as much as possible in order to obtain maximal muscle contraction. Here, stick your butt against the wall and glute it there. With your torso tilted forward slightly, stretch your biceps with your arms fully extended and perform curls. Stay leaned over throughout your set to reduce assistance from your torso and hips.

Tip: Flex your triceps at the bottom of each rep as you lockout your arms for elbow stabilization and a greater contraction in the opposing muscles (the biceps).

Avoid These Training Mistakes To Get The Most Out of Your Workouts

Avoid These Training Mistakes To Get The Most Out of Your Workouts

The Mistakes To Avoid In Your Workouts

As much as you would like to have perfect workouts, small mistakes can deprive you of that happiness, especially if you’re a beginner. Most people make the mistakes listed in the article and by doing so leave gains on the table.

Read the article and carefully critique yourself if you’re making the mentioned errors. You might be making the mistakes without realizing it. You’ll notice a substantial improvement in your physique over time by fixing these errors.

Quantity Over Quality

Some people make the mistake of lifting too heavy when they should be focusing on their form. Your muscles don’t know how much weight is on the bar, your ego does. Leave your ego on the door when you enter the gym. Ego lifting does nothing more than increase the chances of injury in the gym.

Focus on your form and contracting your muscles with every repetition. You should also have a strong mind-muscle connection during your workouts. Achieving a pump can be a good indicator if your mind-muscle connection and muscle contractions are on point.

Letting The Intensity Drop

Many people let all their hard work go in vain by letting the intensity drop after they are done with a set. If your goal is to lose weight or build muscle mass, you should keep the intensity of your workouts as high as possible.

Give yourself a deadline and complete the workout within the specified time. Don’t waste the time between sets by using your phone or talking to people. Use the rest time to pose and stretch out the muscle.

Unstructured Training

Some people follow a vanilla training program which isn’t designed for their body. Your workout program should cater to your strengths and weaknesses. You should focus on building up your weaknesses while polishing your strengths to build a symmetrical physique.

Thoroughly analyze your body and look for lagging muscle groups. Design your training so it follows a structured approach to all your muscle groups. You’ll see your weaknesses disappear and aesthetics improve as you follow a customized training plan.

No Warm-Ups Or Cool-Downs

Many people start working out as soon as they hit the gym and walk out right after their last exercise. You are leaving gains on the table by not giving your body the proper warm-up and cool-down.

Prime your muscles for your workout session by stretching them out and doing a couple of lightweight warm-ups. Your muscles are filled with lactic acid and many other toxins after a workout and you can flush them out with a cardio session or foam rolling.

No Tracking

It’s incredibly important to set goals before you start training. Starting training without a goal is like leaving your home without a pre-determined destination. Once you have a goal, write it down on paper and track your progress weekly to ensure you’re heading in the right direction.

Track your body measurements, workouts, and how much weight you use on certain exercises. If you’re improving in all the aspects, keep going or otherwise make the necessary adjustments.

Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Are you making any of these mistakes? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.