Make The Bench Press Your B*tch With These 3 Easy Tips

So, How Much Can You Bench?

The Bench Press. The quintessential measurement of manliness from prison yards to sports gyms everywhere. So why are so many of us doing it wrong? Have you ever been to the gym and seen a guy throwing up the weight off his chest like there’s no tomorrow. No form, no control, just completely in survival mode? Well it may look cool in the gym but in reality that’s so beta. Alpha energy is controlled and measured, and constant strength not sporadic and unstable straining. So do yourself a favor and use the 3 tips below to Alpha your bench press and your life. Control the bar don’t let the bar control you.

Tip 1:

Don’t Lock Out Your Arms: You actually don’t want to lock out your arms when you first lift the barbell off the rack, instead you want to keep your arms slightly bent when you lift off. Locking your arms is a great way to get some nasty injuries, be sure to keep that in mind.

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