Kirill Tereshin will have to undergo surgery to have substances removed from his arms. Kirill Tereshin, an MMA fighter from Russia, has been better known as
Kirill Tereshin
Kirill Tereshin Has Second Surgery to Get “Rotten Muscle” and Oil Removed from His Arms
It looks like Kirill Tereshin was in the hospital to remove the rotten muscle and oil in his arms. Kirill Tereshin is finally getting the oil removed from his
Synthol Addict Kirill Tereshin Hospitalized, Gets Fluid Drained From His Arms
Synthol addict Kirill Tereshin doesn't appear to be doing too well. The man who has become synonymous with synthol oil injections, Kirill Tereshin AKA Ruki
Kirill Tereshin AKA Ruki Bazuki Gets Synthol Injections in his Cheeks!
Kirill Tereshin is pushing the limits of his synthol use. So it seems safe to say at this point that synthol addict and bizarre internet sensation Kirill
Synthol Addict Kirill Tereshin Has 3 Pounds of ‘Dead’ Muscle Removed From Arms
Synthol injections have come back to haunt Kirill Tereshin. It appears that the Kirill Tereshin's overuse of synthol and foreign agents into his arms have
Synthol Kid Ruki Bazuki Has MMA Fight
Just when you thought the Ruki Bazuki story couldn't get anymore bizarre, the synthol obsessed "bodybuilder" shocks again. Ruki Bazuki, born Kirill Tereshin is