Fails big enough for the whole world to see. GI Weekly always ends off with a workout fail of the week. Why? Because it's funny and maybe, just maybe, teaches
GI Weekly
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 EXERCISES TO BUILD MASSIVE SHOULDERS [wptouch target="mobile"][/wptouch] [wptouch target="non-mobile"][/wptouch] Boulder Shoulders. Getting
GI WEEKLY: TOP 6 JACKED SUPERHEROES (IN MOVIES) [wptouch target="mobile"][/wptouch] [wptouch target="non-mobile"] [/wptouch] Who has the most muscle to match
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 ENTREPRENEURIAL BODYBUILDERS THAT MADE IT BIG [wptouch target="mobile"][/wptouch] [wptouch target="non-mobile"] [/wptouch] Turning a pro career into a
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 MUSCLEBOUND THINGS THAT INSPIRE BODYBUILDERS [wptouch target="mobile"][/wptouch] [wptouch target="non-mobile"] [/wptouch] The sparks that drive us. For
GI WEEKLY: BEST OF THE 2016 ARNOLD CLASSIC MEET & GREET Athlete and fans reactions and predictions. We are deep into the Arnold Classic 2016 as the second night of the
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 WORST EXCUSES TO SKIP THE GYM THAT NEED TO STOP "I'm too ____ to hit the gym today." The only thing worse than the person who refuses to go to the gym and get
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 BODYBUILDERS WITH THE BEST WAIST LINES The best waists of all time. Now that the Classic Physique division is starting to get into full swing - we are
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 ARNOLD CLASSIC 2016 PREDICTIONS Who will place in the top 5 at the Arnold Classic 2016. It's that time of the year when everyone is making
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 ESSENTIAL RECOVERY METHODS YOU’RE NOT USING Recovery for bigger and faster gains. Bodybuilding websites and magazines often talk about the big assets of
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER BODYBUILDING QUOTES Wise words from the greatest bodybuilder of all time. We're officially going into Arnold Classic mania as we're
GI Weekly: Top 5 Bodybuilding Transformations Of All Time
From zero to hero. It might seem vain, but bodybuilding is ultimately about oneself. Bettering yourself, learning your limits and surpassing them, creating
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 BODYBUILDING MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET Nonstop motivation. A bodybuilding lifestyle is many things - but one negative side to it is the repetition.
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 BODYBUILDERS THAT WOULD BE PERFECT FOR CLASSIC PHYSIQUE The best competitors that would make for a perfect Classic Physique face-off. Now that we've entered 2016 we can
GI WEEKLY: TOP 6 BIGGEST BODYBUILDING MOMENTS OF 2015 Ranking the biggest moments of 2015. Happy New Year GI Nation! Another year has gone down and we're proud to have
GI Weekly: Top 5 Christmas Tree Backs In Bodybuilding History
'Tis the season. As we roll up on the big winter holidays, we often think about gift giving (and getting), family, food - and all the stress that comes with
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 WAYS TO MAX OUT YOUR PUMP The ultimate pump. Any bodybuilder knows that when you are lifting - the ultimate goal (besides gains, gains,
GI Weekly: Top 5 Ways To Stay Lean On Thanksgiving
Survive Turkey Day. We're less than a week away from one of the biggest cheat days of the year - Thanksgiving. But this doesn't have to be the one day that
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 EXERCISES FOR A MASSIVE CHEST Unstoppable pecs. While it's a bodybuilder's job to make sure every single muscle is sculpted to perfection -
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 WAYS TO FORCE YOUR MUSCLES INTO GROWTH Bust through plateaus. There's nothing worse than putting effort into the gym every single day only get your
GI WEEKLY: CREATING THE ULTIMATE FRANKENSTEIN BODYBUILDER The best pro body parts for the perfect bodybuilder. This weekend is an important one here at Generation Iron for
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 BODYBUILDERS OF THIS DECADE Who's the best since 2010? It's the question that people ask for any popular sport or competition. Who is the
GI WEEKLY: TOP 5 NATURAL BODYBUILDERS Going all natural. Regardless of your stance on steroids in bodybuilding - it's just a plain fact that it exists
GI Weekly: Top 5 Sexiest Fitness Physiques
The sexiest and fittest women in the business. Female bodybuilding has changed a lot over the past decade. While the traditional Women's Open Bodybuilding